Chapter 9: The Bet Cashed In

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Disclaimer: I'd be lying if I said these characters belong to me.They don't.

Chapter 9: The Bet Cashed In

James scowled behind her.

For the past few month, Lily Evans had been avoiding him determinedly.

Either she hid in her dormitory or was surrounded by a group of friends.

A deal's a deal. Foolishly, he had expected her to keep her promises. In the end, she was just like any other girl, backing off when things get tough. But this situation was slightly different. Usually, he never made this kind of bets with a girl and if they backed out he could usually get them back in his own way.

Lily Evans was different.

She was, and still remained, oblivious to his charms. James could see some boys in his year falling head over heels with her but she wanted nobody.

James ran a hand through his hair, exasperated.

What was with this girl? Well, she sure wasn't going to back out. Nobody does. Or maybe he should get her to make the Unbreakable Vow next time, that way she wouldn't back out.

He chuckled at the thought of Little Ms. Evans writhing at the offer but frowned instantly.

He didn't have morales, he could just pick her up and take her somewhere private, but he didn't want to make a scene. He needed some incentive or he could just try to get her alone.

Hmm, next time he should search the library for a book named 'The official Guide to get Lily Evans alone', he'd personally make sure it's a bestseller.

Wait. James couldn't help but notice that Evans seemed to have... feelings for that Slytherin prick. A uch as he hated the fact, he might be able to use it to his advantage.

Sirius could pick up a first year. They do anything for candy. And they're the perfect messengers.

He might be able to cash in his bet after all.

Lily stole a peek behind her and she could swear she saw a tuft of messy, black hair disappear between the stone columns.

Her heart skipped a beat. Was she imagining things now?

Potter was a player, yes. But a stalker? Nah.

She shook her head and went back to the dormitory, with Mary and Marlene at her side.

It was not until later that night did she truly began to think that James Potter had a way to influence people to do his bidding.

She was in her dormitory, chatting with her friends past midnight. Alice was pretending to be Professor Slughorn praising Lily and Mary was on the ground, her hands at her sides.

There was a knock and Lily stiffened.

Alice laughed, "Look at ya," she teased. "Getting all worked up over a lad!"

Marlene joined in and Lily can hear her tinkling laugh.

Lily got up, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

It was a short girl, probably a first year. Lily smiled, "what is it?"

"Pro- professor." She stuttered, probably nervous.

"Professor McGonagall? Night Patrol?" Lily prompted.

"S-she s-s-said to see y-you at her o-o-office."

"Me? McGonagall never calls students to her office past midnight unless there's something important."

"P-p-professor caught a S-s-slytherin."

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