Chapter 33: Love and Loss

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       "I hate it when Wattpad decides your story isn't good enough because you have slow updates."


A/N: I'm giving up on disclaimers, I'd probably start doing quotes though. And really, really, sorry for the slow update, I just had my exam, which kinda determines my life because I need to choose a suitable elective. Here it is now! Without anymore mushy Jily moments and finally something better.

Chuckling, he carefully extracted his hand to wrap around Lily's waist. She was right, the night was beautiful.

He never understood those mushy romantics who said 'the stars pale in significance of thou beauty.' He could not suffer such a stab to his ego by admitting that he wholeheartedly agreed with this pickup line, but perhaps he was starting to see things a man hopelessly in love would.

It was getting late, and his parents' protective spells were strong, but he'd rather not risk a fast asleep Lily to clear view and open sky. Keeping a firm grip on her waist, his other arm swept under her slender legs to lift her up, careful not to wake her. He wondered what dream she was having, was it a good one?

He carried her back to her room, then went back up to his. His mind clouded with thoughts of strands of fiery caressing the face of the girl he was hopelessly in love with.


"Umm, fyi, I'm her best friend."

"That doesn't give you the right to anything."

Before Marlene could summon a reply, Remus shot at both of them, "How can you two argue over who gets to wake Lily up? I'll go."

Ignoring their pointed stares, Remus got up from the very comfortable couch and strode to the guest room.

"Lils?" He knocked on the door. "I'm coming in."

Lily was neatly tucked into her covers, like she never moved in her sleep. He was about to make a note to tease her about her stiffness when his instincts kicked in.

He held his breath. The room was eerily quiet, he was normally used to his friends' snoring when he got up early to study. Walking over to Lily's bed quickly, panicked, he held a finger to her nose.

She was breathing.

Thank God, he heaved in a large gulp of breath. "Lils?" He placed his hand on her shoulder, rocking her. "It's nearly 10. James is going to throw a fit."

Lily didn't move.

He shrugged, he should probably leave Marlene and Prongs to their coming argument about who got to wake Lily next, and he didn't want to be a part of it.

"James! Marlene!" He called out.

"What?" they both shouted back in unison.

"I think we need a bucket of ice here."

And this time it was Sirius who replied, laughing. "I'm on it."

"No, he's not." James shouted back. "The only thing you're going to be on is McKinnon."

Remus thought he heard Sirius snort as Marlene shouted, "Hello? Thing? I definitely show the seven characteristics of life."

"A bit short on growth, though." James was at the door already, arms crossed. "I'll take over you now, Moony."

"Thankfully," Remus clapped James on the back as he passed.

Mrs. Potter, practically his surrogate mother, was serving pancakes downstairs. James was at the table soon after, shrugging.

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