Chapter 25: Snippets of December

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Lily Evans: I belong to JKR.

James Potter: Dibs.

Hogwarts: *chorus* Infinite Dibs! *Alan Rickman's voice*

Lumina: That's pretty much everyone-_-

Sylvia Johnson: I don't!

Lumina: Forget it.

Chapter 25: Snippets of December

Lily opened the letter carefully, being unable to bring herself to forcefully tear open the pretty envelope.

Inside, there was a card -the kind like a cardboard folded in half and read horizontally. Lily flipped it open, and wrapped within delicate flower designs were the following words.


Dear Ms. Evans,

As member of the Slug Club, you are cordially invited to my Christmas Party for members. Invited students may be accompanied by one, and not more, non-member.

I note that the holiday starts on December 23rd, which is why I have scheduled the party to be at December 20th to let people, whether they are going home or not, enjoy and immerse themselves in buckets of sluggishness joy!

Should you like, I would be more than to see you in my office on that day, and enjoy the Christmas fun together.

Your eager friend,
Professor H. Slughorn


Hmm... a christmas party? It certainly seemed like a good idea. But the idea of facing Severus at a informal party, could she handle it?

Lily felt a soft, hearty chuckle behind her.

"James!" She yelled. "I am going to padlock the door next time, preferably something that even Alohamora doesn't work on! And I will repair that hole. Get. Out. Of. My. Room!"

There were sounds of slight movement and fabric tugged across fabric abruptly and then he was visible before her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Lily yelled, not bothering to keep her voice down.

James mumbled something Lily couldn't quite catch.

"Speak up," she said, annoyed. Where was his usual confident self?

"I accidentally broke Marlene's nail, which Mary manicured and Alice was painting."

"So, in other words, you're doomed." Lily tried to contain her laughter.

"That's right," he said, somehow defensively. Then, anxious to change the subject, he added, "I couldn't help but notice that Sluggy sounded like a pervert."

"Which part?" Lily giggled.

"There," James pointed vaguely at the card.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. Can we have some more precise locations?"

"Your eager professor," James quoted.

"Wha-" Lily asked before thinking. "Oh," she frowned, "not everyone has a dirty mind, James."

"I'm just being realistic." James protested.

Lily laughed. "He didn't say 'P.S. I love you', your behaviour is more overrated than realistic."

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