Chapter 16: The Angel

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Disclaimer: Do I really have to do this again? *whines*

Chapter 16: The Angel

James lay in his bed and gnashed his teeth as Madam Pomfrey poured another dose of transparent, innocent-looking liquid on his wounds.

James very nearly cried out. He didn't, comscious of the fact that Lily Evans was not far away. He merely swore.

"Watch that mouth of yours, Prongs." Sirius grinned.

James snorted. "Like you never said-"

"Enough. No swearing in the hospital." Madam Pomfrey said, cutting through James.

"Fine with us, Poppy." Sirius flashed one of his famous grins at her.

Madam Pomfrey raised her eyebrows suspiciously before walking away to tend to another patient.

"No. Seriously, no." James said behind Madam Pomfrey's retreating back.

"What? I can't help being charming."

"You are not going to hook up with the nurse. Not when you already have Marlene."

"She's a lost cause." Sirius shrugged.

"Oh sure." James rolled his eyes.

"What about Lily then?" Sirius' silver eyes glinted in the moonlight.

"What about Lily?" James spluttered.

"I thought you wanted to break up with Sylvie, even before she was kidnapped."

"Lils has nothing to do with it."

"Oh sure." Sirius smirked, micmicking James. "Lils."

James threw a pillow at him, which Sirius neatly dodged.

"I'll give you a tip, never throw with your left hand."

"That's really helpful advice. I wouldn't have thought of it myself." James' voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Seriously though, Lily?"

"She's fine. So don't ask." Remus said immediately. He had just visited Lily in James' place, because James couldn't even get out of his bed.

"I wasn't going to." James said, trying to look affronted.

"That'll be a nice change." Sirius said thoughtfully.

James reached back for another pillow, only to find out that he had already thrown his only one away.

"I need to go, okay? Today's the, um, you know."

"Drat." James clasped a hand to his face.

"We'll manage without ickle Prongsie, so don't worry."

"I wish I hadn't gone in the way and got slashed by a knife." James' tone was wistful.

"Yeah, and let Lily take the blade? You know there's no chance you'd let that happen." Remus said.

"Maybe I would have, just so I don't have to sit here while you guys are having fun without me." The words came out harsher than usual.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"Doth my ears deceive moi? Ickle Prongsie, saying sorry. Ooh, it rhymes" Sirius teased.

"I wonder what Lily is doing. She's such a positive influence."

James scowled.

"Relax, I'm not stealing your girl." Remus added after seeing James' face.

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