Chapter 23: The Anniversary of Death

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Disclaimer: Thank you, Captain Obvious for stating that these characters don't belong to me. You have my gratitude.

A/N: Hey, guys. I'm so sorry and I've only just noticed that the first Hogsmeade trip occurs around Halloween, and it slipped my mind! I'm not gonna change anything because it's a lot of work, but just to clarify things up:)


Chapter 23: The Anniversary of Death

After 6 years of practically living in Hogwarts, Lily still couldn't wrap her head around the annual Hallowe'en feast.

This year, Professor Slughorn had even gone as far as to hang sweet-filled pumpkins outside his office and invite students to take a pastry every time they passed. Lily could swear she saw small Peter Pettigrew pass by it more than ten times and sneaking a hand in the pumpkin every time.

"Them pumpkins growin' mighty fine, eh?" A loud voice bellowed, disrupting her thoughts.

"Um, yes, Hagrid." This year, she had offered to put a growth-spurt charm on the pumpkins for Hagrid.

"Yer gonna keep a sharp eye and that one." He pointed happily to one at the far corner which was growing to the size of Cinderella's carriage.

"Yes, Hagrid."

He thumped her back cheerily and walked away, whistling, to check on his flobberworms.

Hagrid suddenly turned around and spoke up, "Galloping Unicorns! Yer late for the feast!"

Lily eyed the clock warily, Hagrid was right! She picked up her robes and ran to the hall.

After seating herself inthe usual seat between Alice and Mary, she asked James, who was opposite her slipping something in Peter's drink, where Sirius was.

He grinned wickedly. "You'll see him tonight."

She overheard Marlene asking Alice, "what's on the agenda?"

"Last year's was okay, I think they're skateboarding this year."

"Really?" Lily laughed, joining the conversation effortlessly.

Sure enough, this year, ghosts were skateboarding while joggling caramel apples. Lily laughed loudly when one of them tripped over the Bloody Baron's chains, causing his apples to stain the Gray Lady's dress, who turned opaque with mortification and stormed away.

At night, Alice and Marlene pulled her to James' room, which she had never been inside before. It was surprisingly neat for a boy as messy as him. James pushed away his bed to make room for them to sit in a circle in the middle of the room.

"So we'll start without Sirius, who's first?"

"Um... if you don't mind me asking, what are we doing?" Lily muttered, partially to herself.

"T or D!" Mary said excitedly.

"Excuse me?"

"Truth of Dare." Remus answered.

"You have got to be kidding me," Lily gave a sideways glare at Marlene, Alice and Mary, who suddenly started chatting animatedly among themselves.

"C'mon, Lils. Give it a try," Remus encouraged.

"Is there a way out?" She asked hopefully.

"No." James answered serenely.

"Then I'm out," she threatened.

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