Chapter 14: The Grief that Kills

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Disclaimer: So... are you guys over Sylvia yet? None of these characters belong to me, except Sylvia, though I think nobody likes her...

(A/N: There is no doubt I am a cruel author. You have been warned.)

Chapter 14: The Grief that Kills

There was no doubt Sylvia and James were desperately in love. Wherever she went, there he was.

They did everything the 'perfect lovers' in your imagination would do and more.

Okay, we don't need all the gory details. Lily didn't want to recall them either. She spent most of her time in her dormitory now. Studying for the N.E.W.T.s, of course. But the words Remus had said to her a few weeks ago stuck in her mind.

She could not help falling, could she? Maybe she could convince herself to get over him.

After all, love is only an emotion caused by hormones. If human cells can imitate a passionate emotion so terrible, can't they reverse it?

The situation reminded Lily of the time of her bet, where she spent the majority of her time hiding in the dormitory or in the company of friends to avoid James. She laughed once without humour.

She had been studying for so long she did not even notice that she had fallen asleep until someone shook her awake.

"James?" She thought groggily.


Lily straightened, this wasn't James' voice, but-

"Marls!" Lily exclaimed the best she could with her hoarse voice.

"You have to come downstairs." She said grimly. "There was anothe attack."

"What?" Lily shouted as she put on a jacket.

"I can't believe you slept through it." Marlene muttered.

"What?!" Lily gave a small shriek.

Lily wrestled herself out of Marlene's grip and ran to the Great Hall hurriedly, her mind clouded with fear. Fear for the people and this place she had come to love and cherish.

This wss definitely where the heaviest battle had taken place, windows were broken and were scattered on the tiled floor. The walls had pieces of cement raining down.

Lily made her way to the Gryffindor table, muttering Reparo over and over, it was the least she can do.

She sat down beside Mary.

"What happened?" She whispered in horror, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

All around, people had grave faces. The teachers, including the Headmaster, huddled together in some grave discussion. Even youthful boys like James was sitting in his chair mutedly, ignoring Sirius'attempts to talk to him.

"Er... more casualties?" Mary mumbled.

Lily sensed that she was hiding. "What is it, Mary?" She asked cautiously. "I won't faint." She added.

Mary didn't laugh, didn't even give a small smile.

"More people died this time." She said in a hushed voice. "And they took someone this time."

Lily could feel her heart freeze. Taken by the Death Eaters was worse than dying.

Of course she already knew who it was, judging James' immobility and Mary's reluctance to tell her. But she needed to hear the words for herself. She needed the grief to sink in.

"Who is it?" Lily asked in a hollow voice.

Mary looked a her with her large eyes.

"Sylvia Johnson."

(A/N: Okay, be honest. Who was actually happy?)

Lily could feel the two words, as if they were forever etched in her mind. The way Mary said it, the hurt in James' hazel eyes...

"No." She whispered. This could not be true. Sylvia, who had smiled so brightly. Sylvia, so full of life. Sylvia, so scared when it came to the Death Eaters, now in their den. Sylvia...

Did someone throw a brick into her stomach? She could feel her grief and she was sorry for every second she had not treasured with Sylvia, who was now as good as dead. She remembered her petty jealousy, which seemed stupid now. Her heart plummeted and she let her grief take over her senses.

She felt the hot tears threatening to break down and she wiped them with her dusty robes before anyone could see. Morale was especially important in these times. She could not allow her own sadness to break others.

In honor of Sylvia, she vowed to never think about James in that way again.

"Sylvia," she mumbled, barely registering the fact that she slid her chair away and was walking toward the doors of the Great Hall, leaving the remnant of war behind her.

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