Chapter 11: Friendship in Dark Times

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Due to a glitch in Wattpad, the whole paragraph has been deleted except for the disclaimer and first paragraph.

I'll try my best to restore it, but if you have READ THIS CHAPTER BEFORE....

You are welcome and urged to come forward so that I may perfect this chapter.

For now, I'll just put in the gist, because the emotional stuff later on wouldn't really stand out if I don't.

(I'm trying to find out how I ever managed to fit in 600 more words to achieve my no-less-than-1000-words goal. Ugh

Chapter 11: Friendship in Dark Times

Lily rushed out of the dormitories, grinning like a delusional idiot as she walked to her next potions' class.

'Today," instructed Slughorn. "We would be experimenting with the rather rough Wiggenweld Potion. Would anybody here care to tell me the effects of such a potion?"

Lily's hand shot up, much to the sniggers of some Ravenclaws.

"Ah, yes. Ms Evans?"

"It cures minor damage, Professor."

"Correct!" Slughorn smiled at her warmly. "We'll be going in groups today. Ms. Evans, would you care to help out our newest addition to this class?"

"N-not at all," Lily stammered, shooting a sorry look at Marlene's direction. "Professor."

"Wonderful!"Slughorn beamed. "Off you go."

A blonde with Prussian blue eyes and an evidently-toned figure strutted towards her, offering one slightly manicured hand. "Hi." She smiled. "I'm Sylvia. Sylvia Johnson."

"Uh." It took Lily a moment to realize that Sylvia wanted to shake her hand. "Lily. Lily Evans."

"So," Sylvia clapped her hands together. "What do we need, partner?"

"Salamander blood, lots of it." Lily grinned, she was starting to like her new Potions partner.

While they were waiting for the potion to turn orange, Lily decided to make conversation. "So, where did you come from?"


"Really? You have perfect English."

Sylvia flashed her white teeth at Lily briefly. "Thanks! Nobody at Beauxbatons appreciates that."

"You came from Beauxbatons?" Lily nearly dropped her utensils. "How was it like?"

"The boys aren't half as cute as they are at Hogwarts."

They shared a laugh.

"Lily, right?" Sylvia asked. "I was just wondering if you'd like to sneak into the Ravenclaw Common Room tonight, they're throwing a party in my favour."

"Really love to," Lily pouted wistfully. "Can't. There are rules."

"Rules are made to be broken!"

"Not by the Head Girl." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I forgot. I'd love to be Head Girl." Sylvia averted her eyes, though the sadness was plainly written on her face.

"Hey," Lily wrapped an arm around her new friend. "I might not be at the party, but I'll bring you a cake."

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