Chapter 7: O.W.L.s

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Disclaimer: I am in love with characters that don't belong to me. Yeah, all characters in this fic don't belong to me, ok?

Chapter 7: O.W.L.s

Lily fidgeted nervously with her wand. What was the trip jinx again? Oh no, she'd already forgotten it! She wished she could ask Marlene, who was sitting beside her, for the answer, but it was forbidden and McGonagall's eyes were on her like a cat.

She waited impatiently for her name to be called. Why couldn't the written test and practical test be on the same day? That way she'd only have to revise once.

"Black, Sirius." Came a sqeaky little voice.

Lily watched as Black, or as she sometimes called in her head, Potter's shaggy little friend, sauntered forward, wand in one hand, into the examination room.

He looked calm, even though right after he stepped in, a gush was water was aimed at Peter's face, soaking him fron head to toe.

Lily lost track of time as she continued to pore over her Defense against the Dark Arts textbook so naturally she was startled when she heard her name being called and saw that there were comparatively less people than before.

"Good luck," Mary clapped her back awkwardly.

Lily nodded, took a deep breath, and went into the examination room.

Professor Tiberius Ogden peered at her curiously like a newfound species.


Lily's breath hitched. So, after all, this was merely another so-called professors who look at people's blood status instead of their talent.

She meant to be courteous, but it wasn't easy to be calm when you're angry.

"Yes. So?" She retorted, defiant.

Professor Ogden gave a wheezing laugh.

"Just checking. The ministry keeps track of how people are doing at Hogwarts, you know." He lowered his voice so nobody but Lily could hear him. "Last time, you jinxed those Slytherins because they were hurting some muggle-borns, that was really, really brave. Foolish, yes. But brave."

Lily smiled at the memory. She liked being foolish.

"Shall we proceed?"

Lily nodded eagerly.

The professor gave a quick nod. "Now," he pinched the bridge of his nose and pushed a white mouse in a box to her. "Try to perform a stinging jinx."

Lily analysed the situation quickly. The professor's focus will be on the wand movement and how puffed-up it was. She tried to keep calm by reminding herself how many times she'd practiced this before.

Nervously, she whispered the incantation.

Lily walked out and made her way to the Great Hall while replaying the tests in her mind. She'd like to think that she got an 'O', but that was perhaps physically impossible. Her defensive spells and jinxs were ok but she wasn't sure if they were good enough. She only hoped she'd get enough to go for an auror.

Speaking of which, she was actually glad it was hard to get an 'O', she supressed a groan as the memory of her drunken night took over her senses.

What was she thinking? Promising Potter, one of the most ignorant and annoying people in the whole world, a kiss? She had replied it without even hesitating! The heavy liquor had influenced her judgement. Without the slightest pressure, her brain had willingly succumbed to Potter's honeyed words.

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