Chapter 28:

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.... NOOOOOOOO!!!

Chapter 28:

"You love her."

"What? No!" James exclaimed.

Remus raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll give you the benefit of doubt." He crumbled another piece of parchment and small embers licked the corners where his wand touched it.

"I thought you said no homework for a week." Peter commented.

"Most likely something else." Sirius observed, then Peter high-fived him.

"Knowing James, it's something so awful that I don't even wanna see." Sirius commented, but then lunged for James.

"Cure for the Draught of Living Dead-" Sirius started to read and threw it away, glaring at James' wicked smile.

"It's charmed." Remus stated the obvious.

"I noticed." Sirius snorted. "What if I burned it?" He suggested, keeping a careful eyes on the shift of emotion in James' eyes, but there was none.

James tapped his head thrice, mocking Sirius, who scowled once and put the parchment in his pocket; he would figure out how to get pass it later.

"Look, Jamsie." Sirius slid an arm around James' shoulders. "If you wanna get the girl, invite her over."

"Nice try," Remus interjected. "But she's going back home. Easter might merit another chance."

James scowled. Remus was definitely toying with his nerves.

"Speaking of which-" Peter spoke up and James tried to stare him down, or threaten never to show him the Wronksi Feint again.

It didn't work. Sirius encouraged him to go on.

"You'd better check on the map where she is."

"Thank you for the suggestion." James said coldly.

"No, seriously." Remus interjected again, but the corners of his mouth were fighting a twitch.

"Hey!" Sirius protested once, but let Remus continue.

"Last time you left her alone, she showed up being threatened with the K-curse."

"I solemnly swear that I am to no good." Perer was already muttering, letting the tip of his wand graze the filthy parchment.

"Ahh." Sirius exclaimed. "There's Marlene." He pointed to the Quidditch grounds.

"Hmm. Corner's being a bit close, isn't he?" James pointed out.

Sirius took off almost immediately and Remus chuckled lightly.

"There's Lily," James said brightly. "She's in the..." Janes leaned closer to the map. "Astronomy tower?" He asked, bewildered.

"You better check on her." Remus grimaced. Lily went almost everywhere with her friends, being alone was on rare occasions.

The silence was uncomfortable and Remus could almost hear James debating with himself inside his head.

"Before Remus gets there." Peter added, which kinda ruined the serene atmosphere. His outburst merited a good whack on the head.

By the time Remus turned around, James had already stood up and was making his way to the door.

"You'll miss the train." Remus shouted after him, though knowing that these words will not make much of an impact on him.

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