Chapter 5: Quidditch, James as seeker

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Disclaimer: I thought we were over this!!!
Fine! None of these, N-O-N-E, belongs to me.
My day suddenly seems cloudier.

Chapter 5: Quidditch, James as seeker

Blood was pumping, hard, against his eardrums, deafening the roar of the crowd around him.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins, forcing shouts of jubilant laughter from his tight, dry lips. His biceps tightened in concentration in search for that tell-tale speck of gold.

He was in his element, nothing else mattered.

Then he saw it, fluttering its delicate golden wings next to Diggory's foot.

Okay, change of plans. He couldn't just fly at full speed to it and risk Diggory looking down, he should-

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he could see a brown sphere rushing at him. Naturally, his protective instincts took over and he immediately dipped down.

The bludger whooshed past his head, missing his skull by a millimetre.

"Sirius! You dog!" He raised a fist.

As beater, it was Sirius' job to keep bludgers off of him and preferably not permanently implanted in his skull, not aimed at him.

He did not pause to listen to Sirius' reply- something sarcastic, no doubt.

Instead, he whipped his head around.

The snitch had already disappeared. James growled.

He looked at the scoreboard.

Gryffindor: 50

Hufflepuff: 70

Things weren't looking good for the Lions, but he still held the power to turn it all around.

His senses were sharpened as the cold air whipped past stinging his eyes, despite the glasses, and making every nerve on his skin tingle with excitement.

His hazel eyes were alert like a predator to its prey.

He saw it again, flying only a few centimeters above the ground near the bottom of the audience's stage.

After checking that he had a quite insurmountable distance to the snitch compared to that Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker had, he sped off.

"C'mon, you insufferable disgrace of a twig," he muttered as he urged his Nimbus to go faster, ostentatiously ignoring the commentator's and audience's cries of "He's seen the snitch! Potter's seen the snitch! Can Potter snatch another victory for Gryffindor?"

The excitement and cheers all paled into insignificance as his broomstick caressed the cool air. He locked eyes on the snitch. He was so close. He reached out one hand.

Then he made the mistake of tilting his head up.

What caught his eye was a lustrous curtain of orange flames, moving with the wind. He knew, instinctively, from weeks of experience, to whom it belonged to.

As if on cue, Lily Evans swept her hair from her face and looked up from her book.

Brilliant emerald eyes, framed with long, black lashes, locked with his hazel ones.

He saw her pink, plump lips widen in a gasp and knew that she must have caught him looking at her.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds.

He managed a small grin and switched his gaze to where the snitch was, or should have been a few seconds ago.

Holy Hippogriffs! He was too close to the ground. He pulled up, but still prepared himself to anticipate the crash.

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