Chapter 20: Forgotten Celebrations

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Disclaimer: Everything here belongs to the JKR, including the characters, my heart and my soul.

Chapter 20: Forgotten Celebrations

Days rushed by, and soon it was autumn.

"Oh, c'mon. We hardly get much fun anyway."

"Seconding that. We need something exciting."

"Tell Dumbledore yourself then, why me?" Lily protested.

"You're Head Girl." Alice rolled her eyes, as if that explained everything.

"Seconding that once again."

"No." Lily's voice rang with finality. Either her friends were too stupid to realize it, or they were purposefully ignoring it.

"Please." Her friends whined in unison.

"No way!" She cringed at the thought of facing Dumbledore and asking for 'fun'. "You could ask James, of course." She added sweetly. "He's right next door."

"To be fair, we have less chance in succeeding with him."

"Of course not," Lily racked her brains for something good. "Now, you've got Marlene's connection with Sirius. And he absolutely loves hair gel. You can put it on his robes." She said solemnly.

"Really?" Marlene and Mary asked eagerly.

"Sure. And, er, go girls."

Marlene and Mary scurried out while Alice lingered a bit longer.

"Really, Lily. Hair gel?"

Lily showed her palms.

Alice sighed and walked out, muttering about fun in dark times.

Moments later, Lily was rewarded with James' surprised yells. She giggled and turned back to her Charms' notes, which she had been studying before her friends so rudely interrupted.

Someone slammed her door with a bang.

"Alice?" She asked before turning around.

The sight of James, his whole figure shrouded in transparent goo was too much for her to take in. She only had time to say "oh" before she doubled up in laughter.

"Hush it!" James hissed.

"They'll know you're here anyway." Trying to be inconspicuous, Lily wiped tears from her eyes.

"You started this," he accused. "I told you, for the last time I never use gel. Why won't you believe me?"

"It's unnatural." She protested. "It never stays flat."

"How would you know?" He leaned closer. She could feel his hot breath seeping through her sweater and her heart pounding a jagged rhythm.

Instinctively, Lily leant back. "I don't." She whispered.

"How about I show you?" His eyes gleamed. For a moment she might have recognised it as adoration, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

Suddenly she was on the ground. James' strong arms formed a cage around her so she hit the ground without even a scratch. He was on top of her for a millisecond with his arms around her before he used his elbows to support himself up and rolled off.

Lily had time to compose herself before she yelled. "James!"

Then he was tickling her, and she was squirming and squealing on the ground.

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