The Marauders's view of Lily Evans

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*Summer Holiday*
*James' Room*

The Marauders are working over their latest creation and wisps of smoke can be seen trailing on Remus' hair.

Remus: "Fifty Galleons that you can't."

James: "Why? Pray tell."

Remus: "You're not actually that much of a charmer, Prongs."

James: "That hurt."

Remus: "No, siriusly-"

James: "That pun is older than McGonagall."

Sirius: "And Dumbledore."

Peter: "And both added together."

Remus: "Let me finish, will you?"

Sirius: "Must be my devillishly good charms stopping my wolfish lover from uttering a single sentence."

Remus: "No, it isn't."

Sirius: "Ok."

Remus: "Really?"

Sirius: "No."

Remus ignored Sirius pointedly.

Remus: "As I was saying when you two interrupted me-"

James: "We can't interrupt you if you are saying anything."

Remus: "Yes, you can."

Sirius, indignant: "How can you be so sure? I mean, look at Peter."

Remus rolls his eyes heavenward.

Remus: "I'd better finish my sentence first. Not even Padfoot can win Lily's heart."




Remus: "100 Galleons."

Peter: "Extra 50 to the 100."

Sirius: "Are you two being unintentionally funny?"

Peter: "No"


Remus: "I'm sirius."

Sirius: "That wolfish attitude is getting you nowhere."

James: "Ok, ok. Timeout, my deer friends."

Peter: "It's not funny anymore."

Sirius: "My mousy little friend, can you not understand the inexplicable charms of puns?"

James: "Yep, I can totally understand why Evans will never fancy Pads, but why not me?"

Peter: "You're an idiot."

Sirius: "You are, I quote, 'an arrogant toerag'."

Remus: "You are, I shall also quote, 'a pompous scumbag'."


Sirius: I'm sirius.

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