Chapter 16 Double happiness

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Xie Miao wanted to make money and secretly thought about taking advantage of the east wind. On her own, her abilities would certainly be limited, but if she teamed up with those wealthy businessmen in the future, things would be much easier.

Having finished copying the "Infinite Life Sutra" a hundred times, Xie Miao started to study the wealthy merchants in her memory.

Throughout the ages, among farmers, industry, and commerce, scholars were at the head and merchants at the end

Xie Miao's ancestor were previously granted titles. Although they have declined, they have not yet entered the ranks of merchants. Later, she married into the Cui Mansion, which was an evergreen tree in the officialdom. Cui Muli was the youngest Right Prime Minister in Da Qi. He was highly regarded by the Emperor. She basked in the reflected glory and was named the first-grade imperial wife. She had very high status among the female relatives of officials in the capital.

She had no interaction with businessmen at all, but the wives of officials around her liked to chat, and she had heard about it, so she knew a little about it.

She wrote with a brush and wrote down a bunch of names.

Shao, the shopkeeper in Jingzhou, is doing a very prosperous silk weaving business in the central region, but it will take four or five years to reach the capital...cross out.

There is a shopkeeper Chen in Luoyang, who holds more than a dozen caravans in his hands and does reselling business in the Western Region and Northern Xinjiang. However, his background is too complicated to deal with...cross it out.

The boss of Niu in Huaishang...cross out.

Shopkeeper Li from Youdu...cross out.

After writing and scratching like this, there is very little left. Xie Miao's eyes were wandering up and down the list...picking and choosing... Suddenly her eyes lit up and she circled a name with the brush.

Fang Zhiruo, a person from the capital, is the shopkeeper of Shuxiang Papermaking Workshop. Her father ran a little-known paper-making workshop, which she took over. Six years later, her original Tsuen paper became popular throughout the country, covering almost all of the college's paper resources. As a daughter, she became a legend in the business world.

Xie Miao has heard a lot of rumours about her. The general idea is that she is still unmarried at her age, and merchants are inherently low-class. As a woman, she has a good reputation in business. However, no matter how much money she makes, she will probably only be with the smell of copper for the rest of her life...

As the wife of the Right Prime Minister, Xie Miao has a very high profile and did not participate in the discussion. However, after resurrecting her life, she wanted to refute loudly: Who said making money is useless? A penny can stump a heroic man. Three hundred taels caused Xie Miao to worry about death and poverty. Money is useful, but marrying a talented person is the most useless!

When it comes to getting married or making money, Xie Miao feels that she and Fang Zhiruo should have a lot in common.


Fu Lu and Lan Xia breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Xie Miao no longer copied scriptures. Then they found that Xie Miao had gone on to study merchants instead, and their faces were as black as the ash on the bottom of a pot, which was extremely ugly.

Xie Miao pretended not to see it, but Cui Xining came to visit and asked curiously: "What happened to your two girls? Why do they look so sad?"

At that time, Xie Miao was crumpling the discarded white paper into a ball and throwing it into the bamboo basket. She said nonchalantly: "Maybe they didn't sleep well at night... Why are you here?"

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