Chapter 56 Give up?

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After a few songs, Xie Miao asked to leave. Although Zhou Niannan was reluctant to give up, he didn't force it anymore when he saw that she didn't want to.

Mother said, respect Xie Miao, value her.

He walked in front and chatted with her sideways, "When I entered the palace, I only heard that there were three thousand beauties, and that the concubines in the harem were fighting for favour, and the intrigues were fierce. Only after I entered the Yulin Guards did I realize that it was not just the concubines. Even the palace maids, guards, and eunuchs are all two-faced people. Ha, I'm afraid even the crickets in the palace can outnumber one to a hundred and dominate the world."

He was multitasking, talking and walking down the stairs. His left foot accidentally stepped on air, causing his whole body to fall forward without any weight. Based on his skill, he could certainly stand firm easily, but his mind moved slightly, and instead of stopping, he let out a low voice——

Xie Miao hurriedly grabbed his arm, pulled him back to stand, and quickly let go of his hand.

Zhou Niannan pretended to be frightened, patted his chest and said, "Xie Miao, you saved me again."

She didn't see what he was up to, and there was something indescribable written on her face, "How old are you to walk without your eyes?"

Zhou Niannan was secretly amused, scratched his forehead and said, "Xie Miao, you are so kind."

Xie Miao was not moved, and even raised her eyebrows, ready to stab him with a few words.

He had expected it and spoke before her: "I was too stupid. I only made you angry in the past. I was wrong. I really know I was wrong."

Xie Miao's ears were calloused when she heard it, and she said helplessly: "How many times do you have to say the same thing?"

"This is the last time. From now on, you will listen to another sentence." He raised his face, his black eyes filled with tiny rays of light, as if he could lift up the stars in the sky with his hand, "Xie Miao, I like you, sincerely like you."

There was no duplicity, no impulsiveness. He genuinely and sincerely said he likes her.

Xie Miao did not respond.

So what if he likes? Not all love in this world will be responded to.


No one thought that someone was peering at them from across the vast lake.

Wen Rubin invited Su Panyan to visit the lake again and again. Su Panyan pushed the invitation several times, but she reluctantly agreed after being unable to push him away.

Wen Rubin was not unaware of her indifference in the past two years. He thought it was the shyness of a family's daughter as she grew up, so he didn't take it seriously. He had been in poor health since he was a child, and others were afraid that they would catch infectious diseases. Su Panyan was the only one who did not dislike it and would always bring delicious and fun things to share with him. They are childhood sweethearts who are engaged at the same time. They will get married in another year. He is willing to pamper her forever.

Wen Rubin handed her the new gadget, "Wanwan, this is a telescope. It is said that it can observe far to become near, and can see things ten feet away."

Su Panyan felt that it is novel and held it in her hand for a closer look, "Is it really that magical?"

Wen Rubin smiled and said, "You will know after you try it."

Su Panyan held the thin handle inlaid with mother-of-pearl, and aimed her eyes at the lens tube. She casually looked out, and found that the distant view had become extremely clear.

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