Chapter 110 Against the will of heaven

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He was always like this. Saying whatever he thought, never beating around the bush, and being frank and unashamed.

What a completely opposite type of person.

Xie Miao said: "Zhou Niannan, I made it very clear to you a long time ago that it is impossible for you and me."

Zhou Niannan turned a deaf ear, and avoided the matter. He asked, "Have you seen the clay figurine I made? Does it look like you?"

Xie Miao said: "I didn't see it. I asked Fu Lu to throw it away."

She thought he would get angry, but he smiled and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I'll give you a better one next time."

Xie Miao said: "Zhou Niannan, my aunt has allowed me to become a nun."

"Really?" Zhou Niannan pretended to be surprised, "Second Madam Cui is really open-minded and can even allow you to do this kind of thing. Xie Miao, you have a good aunt."

Yes, she has the best aunt in the world.

Xie Miao softened her voice and said: "Since you already know, don't come to me in the future."

Zhou Niannan began to change the topic again, "I received Baifan. You raised the little guy to be fat and white, and he is very dear to me."

Xie Miao called out: "Zhou Niannan."

"Remember my parrot? It especially likes to scare Baifan. It chases Baifan all day long. If someone hadn't stopped him, Baifan might have been bullied into something bad..."

Xie Miao listened to him talking about trivial matters with a smile on his face, as if he was not touched by her becoming a monk.

Could it be that he has come round?

Zhou Niannan saw her confusion. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Xie Miao, I admit that what you said makes sense. Where in the world is there no grass. With my appearance and background, am I still afraid that I won't be able to marry a wife who is as beautiful as a fairy?"


Xie Miao was dubious, "It's good if you can figure it out."

Zhou Niannan said: "So what if it can't be figured out? You are going to become a nun. Could it be that I can burn down Qingxin Temple?"

Xie Miao:......

"You dare." She said threateningly.

"I'm just kidding." Zhou Niannan said, "I am a young master from a decent family. How can I break the law and violate discipline?"

Xie Miao felt relieved, "Then I wish you a bright future and a good marriage."

Zhou Niannan agreed happily. After she left, the smile on his face disappeared.

Burning down Qingxin Temple? If he was really out of his mind and did this, wouldn't he have fallen into Cui Er's trap? If he wants to marry Xie Miao, he must wait for the good news from his aunt and marry her openly, with eight carriages and a sedan chair, and with incomparable splendour.


Xie Miao and Madam Xie finally successfully entered the National Temple and were led by monks to the main hall to listen to scriptures.

Everywhere one can see is magnificent. The temple hall is vast and grand and there are colourful paintings on the eaves, which is spectacular. The Buddha statue is majestic and tall, with lifelike expressions.

In the centre of the hall, Master Liao Kong was dressed in cassock, and sitting cross-legged. He had a sutra spread out in front of him, and he was twisting Buddhist beads in his hands, with a peaceful face.

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