Chapter 11 Persimmon cakes

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Madam Marquis Dingyuan did not stay at Qingxin Temple for long, and returned home after five days. During this period, neither Madam Marquis Dingyuan nor Zhou Niannan came to see Xie Miao again.

Xie Miao was not surprised by this. With her status, it was an exception to be summoned by Madam Marquis Dingyuan last time.

Time is like water, passing by slowly.

Strings of small lanterns were hung under the eaves to dry in the bright autumn sunshine. Every four days, Qiaogu led several people to knead the persimmons. After three times, the persimmon cakes were formed. After about half a month, a layer of white frost appeared on the surface of the persimmons and the persimmons were ready.

Xie Miao tasted one. The pulp was glutinous, sweet and chewy, and the taste was unexpectedly good.

Several people praised Qiaogu and settled her wages. There were eighty-nine persimmon cakes in total. Xie Miao gave her three hundred copper coins. Qiaogu didn't hold out, and she happily accepted it.

The moment of separation comes in the blink of an eye.

Although Qiaogu is young, due to her life experience, she is used to seeing the warmth and coldness of people. The encounter with Xie Miao's master and servants was like the light that split the clouds during the rainy season, illuminating her thin and frail body with warmth. It's a pity that this beam of sunshine will shine back to Cui Mansion now.

Qiaogu secretly inquired with the Master in the temple and found out that several of the masters in the Cui Mansion were imperial officials. Sister Miao and she are from two different worlds, and she is afraid that it will be difficult to see each other again after separation.

Thinking of this, she became depressed.

The carriage sent by the Cui Mansion to pick them up was not far away. Qiaogu thought twice then grabbed Xie Miao's sleeves. She looked up with a pair of grape-like black eyes, and asked pitifully: "Sister Miao, can I go to Cui Mansion to look for you in the future?"

Xie Miao smiled and touched her head, "Of course. If I leave the house, I will go to the village to find you, or if you come to Cui Mansion to find Wang Da, I will know that it is you who is looking for me."

Wang Da is the coachman brought by Xie Miao from Pingjiang. Nowadays he works on miscellaneous errands in Cui Mansion.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be perfunctory, Qiaogu became happy and stretched out her little finger to make a hook shape, "Hang yourself with the hook, and it won't change for a hundred years!"

Xie Miao made the agreement seriously.

After a month of getting along with her, she felt very fond of Qiaogu, a child with a pitiful background but who was still working hard. She wanted to help Qiaogu as much as possible within her ability, but she had to go back and think carefully about how to implement it.

They said goodbye reluctantly, and Xie Miao stepped on the carriage to return to Cui Mansion.

Madam Xie sent people to tidy up Haihua Yuan in advance, and the two girls were waiting in the courtyard for the cousin to return. They usually did not live in Haihua Yuan. After finishing their work every day, they would go back to the backyard to wait for arrangements. This time, Madam Xie made it clear that they would be given to her niece.

The two girls are young and unstable in temperament, so they will inevitably complain: Who in the house does not know the status of this cousin? If it weren't for Madam Xie's love, others wouldn't even bother to look at her. What kind of future can there be with such a master?

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