Chapter 18 Banquet

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Xie Miao's words were like thunder in the sky, leaving a mark on Madam Xie's heart. Although she didn't agree with Xie Miao's idea, a thought came up deep in her soul: Why not just let her try?

But Madam Xie is an elder after all, and she can still hold on even after being knocked unconscious by her little niece's crackling words.

Uh-huh, how is money so easy to borrow!

Even if the responsible heart was shaken, Madam Xie wouldn't let go easily. Xie Miao kept grinding day by day, but it still didn't work until after five or six days.

As soon as the time passed, the day came for the promotion banquet of Zhang Xianzong, the Left Prime Minister.


The new Left Prime Minister, Zhang Xianzong, hosted a banquet in honour of the officials in the court. Cui Muli, Zhu Qiliang and several colleagues went to the Zhang Mansion. As soon as they got off the carriage, a servant came forward diligently to take the invitation and receive the congratulations. He bent down and said respectfully: "It turns out to be officials from the Ministry of Justice. Please follow me."

A group of people walked into the Zhang Mansion and saw the copper ring of the red door and the high walls and thick tiles. Pavilions, terraces and buildings are vast and tall like trees. The stone road is wide and flat, with lush green pines on both sides. Everyone walking along it feels excited, sighing at the magnificence of the Zhang Mansion, and also feeling a yearning for it.

It would be great if they could also... in the future...

Only Cui Muli looked calm.

The servants led them into the banquet hall. The night was beginning to show, and lights were lit all around. Fist-sized night beads were embedded on the walls, making the hall brightly lit.

Sheng music is playing, swallows are singing and dancing, beautiful maids are surrounding, and people are drunk with wine.

Everyone entered the small bench and took their seats. Only Cui Muli was blocked by the servant who said with a smile: "Young Master Cui's place is elsewhere, please come with me."

Cui Muli raised his hand to Zhu Qiliang. Zhu Qiliang knew that today he was responsible for both Minister Cui and Cui Taifu, so he waved his hand and said, "Just go, just go."

Cui Muli was arranged under the main seat, sitting together with the Minister of War, the Minister of Revenue, and the Censor of Zuodu.

There is a huge disparity in official positions. Fortunately, several of them are veterans of the court and have some friendship with Cui Mansion. The embarrassment can be eliminated with the help of a good nephew.

Cui Muli greeted several people respectfully, then stood up and toasted Zhang Xianzong, the Left Prime Minister on the main seat. He said with a smile: "Muli, on behalf of my father and grandfather, congratulates the Prime Minister on his outstanding talent today, and may his future be clear and he will be promoted step by step."

He is still young and looks immature compared to the old bureaucrats who have been immersed in officialdom for decades. However he is neither humble nor arrogant, and has an outstanding demeanour that makes people look upon him with admiration.

This son is bound become a great weapon, he just doesn't know if he can use it...

Zhang Xianzong concealed the light in his eyes and said with a smile: "With my wise nephew's words, I hope that I can fulfil my great ambitions in the future."

He is in his early forties, slightly chubby, with a white face and a beard. He looks friendly. Recently, he has become more energetic and high-spirited due to happy events.

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