Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
appears! Protagonist group! ! !

Noon arrived quickly the next day. Gu Xing took out a suit of long-sleeved and long-trousers clothes from the closet, trying to reduce the amount of skin exposed on his body. He also found a baseball bat in another room and took it with him, then he picked up the time. Carefully walked out the door.

There was actually some food left in his room, but not much. He was used to being hungry when he was a child. After he grew up and was able to work, Gu Xing couldn't stand the feeling of being hungry, so he ate a little more last night.

This was not the way to go. He didn't want to starve to death before he saw Pan Yanqing.

As Gu walked to the stairs, he was blocked by the stubbled young man from yesterday.

The place they agreed on was the door, but they didn't say where it was. The other party didn't dare to go downstairs alone, so they waited for Gu Xing at the place he must pass when going downstairs.

This block scared Gu Xing so much that he almost jumped up.

Seeing that the young man in front of him was so frightened that his breathing was a little short of breath, Li Yong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Are you scared? I was just too nervous just now."

Gu Xing quickly shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay, let's go down quickly, go back early and come back early."

The other party also had the same idea, and he reached out to point to the window, "There is a supermarket straight ahead there. From my house, you can see there are some supplies inside, so let's go there."

Gu Xing's eyes fell on Li Yong's hand, where he held a terrifying machete about thirty centimeters long.

Li Yong noticed the other party's gaze, and while leading him out, he said sheepishly, "I am a nouveau riche. I used to cut firewood to make fires when I didn't have money to use gas at home. Later, I made some money and moved to Living here, she couldn't bear to part with this woodcutter, so she brought it here. I didn't expect it to be useful now."

A long knife is definitely safer than a short knife. Gu Xing nodded, and the two of them ran outside like thieves, and soon arrived at the supermarket Li Yong mentioned.

The door lock of the supermarket has been damaged, and a lot of things are missing inside, but fortunately, what is left is enough for them to survive for a while.

Gu Xing looked outside calmly, trying to find a way out.

Li Yong didn't want to take advantage of the child, so he brought a big snakeskin bag and swept the things inside one by one. As he swept them, he said, "Let's get the things back first, and then I'll share half with you."

Gu Xing was called back to his senses by Li Yong's voice, nodded, and stepped forward to sweep things with him.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Li Yong had also stuffed some snacks into it, and guessed that he was giving it to other people in the family. Snacks were not enough to keep people hungry, so Gu Xing would never consider it, but snakeskin bags were made by everyone. He didn't say anything about what was provided, he just grabbed a lot of filling food, such as buckwheat bread, dried noodles, instant noodles and crispy noodles.

No matter how big the snakeskin bag is, it will still be full, not to mention that this snakeskin bag is not very big.

Gu Xing looked at the contents of the bag and grabbed Li Yong who still wanted to get supplies. "Brother Li, it's almost done. Let's leave quickly."

Li Yong held a Transformers toy in his hand and hurriedly agreed, "Hey, okay, let's go quickly."

The other person was obviously very strong, and he could walk as fast as he could while dragging a snakeskin bag with one hand. Gu Xing followed him, and out of the corner of his eye he saw two bottles of Wangzai milk lying staggered at the front desk, and he suddenly paused. Soon, he reached out and picked up the two bottles of milk, stuffed them into his pocket, and then ran after Li Yong.

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