Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 Listen to your wife.

Gu Xing thought that for the first time he slept with someone in his arms, he would definitely feel uncomfortable, and he might even be unable to sleep and suffer from insomnia until midnight. But the fact was... he rarely slept comfortably, and holding someone in his arms was actually better than when he wasn't holding someone in his arms. I became more adaptable and soon fell into a sweet dream.

His arms couldn't help but hug the body in his arms tightly.

He is obviously a cold and fierce person, but his waist is extremely soft and can be squeezed easily.

Someone who was about to fall asleep thought at the last moment.

After a good night's sleep, when they woke up the next day, their postures had not changed. It was just that Ji Han had moved a lot with Gu Xing, resulting in a large bed with more than half of the seats empty, and the two of them were curled up at the very edge. A small place on the side.

Ji Han huddled in Gu Xing's arms. When Gu Xing opened his eyes in a daze, Ji Han hadn't woken up yet.

He vaguely remembered that the person in his arms was upset and had been mean to him last time, so he didn't dare to move. He just held the person in his arms, yawning and trying to wake himself up, while quietly waiting for him to wake up.

I don't know how much time passed, but my head was pounding in my arms, and finally there were some signs of waking up.

Just wake up.

Gu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, his hands were stiff.

For the first time, Ji Han didn't face Gu Xing's panicked expression when he woke up.

The other person held him in his arms, looking calm, quiet and gentle.

"Brother Ji Han, you're awake. It's time to eat. Get up quickly."

I was urged to get up as soon as I woke up.

Ji Han didn't want to face it, so he buried his head back in his arms and nuzzled her quietly.

"Hey, Brother Ji Han, are you still sleepy?"


The sound came from his arms, a bit muffled.

The other party obviously didn't want to communicate too much with him, and he bit his arm.

"Then can I go out first? It's daytime now, it shouldn't be cold anymore."

Gu Xing asked hesitantly, he was a little hungry.

The body in his arms moved, and after a while a head popped out, with misty eyes still filled with moisture from waking up.

He got up expressionlessly, "I'm not going to sleep anymore. If you want to go out, you can go out."

What's the point of sleeping alone? Firstly, I'm not warm and secondly, I can't sleep.


Gu Xing cleaned himself up, got up from bed, went into the bathroom to wash up, and then went out.

Yu Chengzhou and Pan Yanqing were already waiting outside, and the atmosphere between them didn't look very good.

The protagonist Gong had a rare cold face. Pan Yanqing curled his lips and felt a little aggrieved, and his eyes were red and swollen. He looked like he had a bad time last night.

Then my happiness is worth...

System No. 1 was forcibly shouted out, "System, help me check the happiness value."

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