Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Being seen hugging and sleeping by my eldest cousin

As soon as Gu Xing walked into the room and lay down, Ji Han followed him in.

"Are you angry?" he asked calmly.

"Huh? No, I'm just a little sleepy. How could I dare to be angry with you." Gu Xing told the truth. The villain is really angry when he is angry. If he is angry, is he being wanton and risking his life?

Ji Han paused when he heard this and retorted, "You can be angry with me."

Gu Xing was lying on his side on the bed. He couldn't see Ji Han's expression and thought Ji Han was mocking him.

He snorted, "I'm not angry, I'm going to take a nap."

"Didn't you just get up?"

"That's you, I woke up a long time ago."

Gu Xing lay on his back and said.

Ji Han stood beside the bed, unable to find a new topic for a while.

After a while, as if he remembered something, he went to the bathroom and looked through the blood-stained clothes he had changed out last night. There was a pack of mints inside, and there was a bit of coagulated blood on the package. Ji Han washed it. Go out with the candy.

At that time, Gu Xing was still turning over the quilt in his arms, planning to take a nap.

Unexpectedly, Ji Han suddenly appeared in front of him, reaching out to him with his palm facing down.

Gu Xing looked confused and made no move.

Ji Han's eyebrows gradually rose up, and he said displeasedly, "Reach out your hand."

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what to do with his hand, so he just obeyed with a confused look on his face.

Then... there was a handful of light blue mint candies in the palm of my hand.

Several pills, almost half of the pack.


Gu Xing was puzzled. Is it possible to take out the things in the hands of the villain? He thought Ji Han would only take it in and not give it out.

"I had a bad temper yesterday, so I'll give this to you."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Gu Xing could vaguely sense that this apology?

However, is it a bit too much for you to use my things to apologize to me? ?

"If I remember correctly, this candy is mine."

Ji Han frowned, the displeasure in his beautiful eyes was obvious, and he corrected, "It's mine."


Seeing the confusion on Gu Xing's face, he reluctantly said a few more words, "You gave it to me. If you gave it to me, it's mine. What, you want to go back?"

Gu Xing was half-lying on the bed, while Ji Han stood beside the bed, gently glancing down from the end of his eyes.

"Oh, I thought you didn't want it because of your attitude yesterday."

He took the candy to coax people, but in the end he was tortured. It was okay to be tortured. After the torture, he still had to take away the candy. What does a human being do? No wonder he is the villain.

Ji Han became even more unhappy when he heard that he mentioned yesterday's incident again, "I told you that I had a bad temper yesterday, and I was willing to give you the candy. What else do you want?"

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