Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Thinking about the way out.

When Gu Xing first woke up, his whole body was numb and stiff. He frowned and looked around at his surroundings.

He appeared in a large and empty room, wearing black silk pajamas and a thin blanket covering his waist.

Gu Xing had never seen this place before. He remembered at the end of his memory what system he had promised to do the task, so he tentatively shouted, "System, system?"

There was silence in the air, Gu Xing slowly frowned, why didn't he respond?

Just when he was wondering if it was a dream, the ball of light that had been drying for a while slowly appeared. Under the sunlight, he was only a blurry shadow, and it made a cold mechanical sound, "I It's called System No. 1, not the System."

Gu Xing:......

There are quite a few small system requirements.

"Okay, so System No. 1, where is this?"

Gu Xing has a good temper and speaks in a slow and gentle manner.

The unique mechanical sound of System No. 1 came again, "This is the identity I arranged for you, Yu Chengzhou's cousin, and this is your home."

It took Gu Xing a while to remember that Yu Chengzhou was the scumbag in the book.

The person who made him so angry that he felt cold to his heart!

He became Zha Gong's cousin?

Under Gu Xing's speechless expression, he couldn't help but feel a little dirty.

"Then what is my family's background?"

After being melancholy for a while, he decided to figure out his settings first.

"He's a rich man."

Gu Xing:......

"Besides, I can't just know that I'm a rich man, right?"

"Your parents are extremely wealthy and your parents are dead. This house is a legacy left to you by your parents."

heritage? In other words, even if he wears a book, he still lives the life of an orphan?

Well, it's my fate to be an orphan.

"anything else?"

"Please host complete the task as soon as possible."

This is just gone.

"Then how do I reach them?"

The protagonist is a person who has awakened his powers at the beginning of the apocalypse. He is considered to be the most talented group, but he is just an ordinary person. How can he sneak in quietly?

How could he complete his mission if he couldn't reach people?

As for the target of the mission... it should be Pan Yanqing, the protagonist. He is the protagonist, and he has been abused miserably. It is reasonable for his happiness value to be low. This system knows nothing, and he can only rely on his own guessing.

The cold mechanical voice of the system came again, "All tasks related, please complete it by yourself."


It's as if I didn't say it.

Gu Xing was helpless, scratched the back of his head, walked to the window, and violently opened the curtains.

What you see is a devastated world. The downstairs is so empty and quiet that it's scary. Trash and debris are all over the floor. In some places, there are even horrifying broken limbs and red traces that are winding and solidified. Xing took a rough glance and took two steps back in fright.

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