Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Straight man speaks

Gu Xing was a little frightened by the cold gaze of the other party. He sat down next to Pan Yanqing, his fingers gripping the back of the book tightly, his finger bones turning white.

"Brother Ji Han, are you up?" The voice sounded fine, even gentle and gentle, but only he knew that his heartbeat became stronger and faster.

Afraid of QAQ.

Ji Han looked ugly, holding one hand on the door frame, looking at Gu Xing's irritable expression, "Who asked you to get up so early?"

His voice was so deep that you could tell he was angry.

"I, I got up as soon as I woke up. No one needed to wake me up." Gu Xing looked a little confused.

After a while he asked again, "Did it wake you up?"

Ji Han covered his aching head, feeling that he was asking questions knowingly, and his expression became even worse, "What else?!"

"Oh, okay, I know, I will be more careful next time."

"Be careful next time, and you have to get up with me next time." Ji Han corrected him unhappily.

? ? ?

Gu Xing felt that Ji Han was a little strange today. He thought Ji Han would be unhappy when he woke up and saw him, so he woke up a little earlier. Unexpectedly, Ji Han was still unhappy and asked him... to wake up with him?

The second villain, who is obsessed with the protagonist Gong, actually asks him to get up with him. How come this is strange to hear.

Pan Yanqing frowned and watched the whole process, feeling a little annoyed, "Ji Han, why do you let others wake up with you? You got up so late yourself, and you didn't allow others to get up early. Why are you so domineering? Ah Xing is an independent person. It's not your accessory!"

Before Gu Xing could return to Ji Han, Pan Yanqing next to him finished his words. He was a little frightened. How dare he talk to the villain like this?

"It's okay, brother Yanqing, I, it's good for me to lie down a little longer. Don't quarrel, don't quarrel."

Sometimes he would be speechless to Pan Yanqing. He couldn't resist Ji Han and couldn't defeat Ji Han, but he still wanted to show his presence in front of Ji Han, but in the end he suffered a lot. He wanted to please both sides, but he couldn't let himself be disliked by Ji Han and then get rid of him. , and Pan Yanqing's happiness value cannot be reduced by being bullied by Ji Han.

Gu Xing looked at Ji Han helplessly, "Don't be angry, Brother Yan Qing just said casually, I also want to sleep a little longer."

Just when Ji Han was about to scold Pan Yanqing, he heard Gu Xing talking to Pan Yanqing, as if he was afraid of what he would do to Pan Yanqing.


I don't know why, Ji Han felt a little irritable, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the two people who were very close to each other on the sofa. He raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at them with boredom, and left directly.

People who haven't had enough sleep are not in a good mood. Even when they met Yu Chengzhou at the door, they didn't look good. They just blocked him and walked out without saying a word.

Yu Chengzhou was confused, "What happened to Ahan?"

Pan Yanqing complained to Yu Chengzhou dissatisfied, "Ji Han went too far. He himself didn't sleep well and woke up late. He also blamed A Xing for waking up early and insisted that A Xing wake up with him next time."

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