Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 The protagonist suffers from a different love affair

Gu Xing saw that Ji Han had collected the candy, and his expression softened slightly, and he felt relieved.

Brother Ji Han has a bad temper and always gets angry for no apparent reason. Although he doesn't know the reason, it is still necessary to coax him to make him feel better.

Gu Xing sat down next to Ji Han, leaned on the sofa, pointed at the candy and asked Ji Han, "Do you want to try it? If you don't like it, I'll find you another flavor next time."

Yu Chengzhou's heart trembled when he heard that his cousin dared to order Ji Han to taste it, and then he scratched the back of his head a little naively, "Forget it, A Xing, A Han doesn't like sweets... emmm "

Before he finished speaking, Ji Han neatly tore open the light blue packaging and put a mint into his mouth.

Yu Chengzhou was dumbfounded.

"Ahan, you..."

"Oh, that's alright."

Ji Han ignored Yu Chengzhou at all, but spoke quietly to Gu Xing.

Although there was no smile on his face and he was still cold, his willingness to speak like this proved that he was in a good mood.

Gu Xing smiled and his tone became softer, "You like to eat, then I will find it for you next time."

Ji Han lowered his head, his long eyelashes covering the emotions under his eyes, neither saying good nor bad.

Gu Xing was used to not getting any reply when talking to him, so he wasn't angry at all. He started chatting with his eldest cousin instead, and the connection speed was incredibly fast.

"Brother, I'm so hungry. I'd rather have porridge when cooking noodles at night."

"Are you hungry? Let's cook the noodles. Cook the noodles faster."

"Yeah! I'll give you a hand."

In fact, there was no need to do anything, it would just be a loss of noodles if the water boiled, but Gu Xing didn't want to look like he didn't know how to do anything and just waited to eat.

Yu Chengzhou looked at the whole bag of candy in Ji Han's hand, then looked at the candy in his own hand, and shook his head, "Forget it, I don't need your help. You can stay and chat with A Han. I'm done." Call you."

He was actually a little bit bitter that his dear brother treated him the same as Pan Yanqing!

How could it be the same? He was his dearest brother!

Yu Chengzhou glanced at Pan Yanqing again and saw that he also looked a little dissatisfied, and he felt even more unhappy. You and I, the elder brother, are treated the same. What's there to be dissatisfied about? I'm so ignorant!

There were only three people left in the living room: Gu Xing, Ji Han, and Pan Yanqing.

Gu Xingyou wanted to say a few more words to Ji Han, but Ji Han glanced at him and stopped him in advance, "There's no need to say thank you anymore. It's just convenient. Don't bother me with this matter again."

He always spoke mercilessly and didn't care whether others were embarrassed or not. He successfully choked Gu Xing.

Fortunately, Gu Xing has a good temper, and he has a filter for Ji Han, so he is not angry at all. He even smiled softly and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. What will Brother Ji Han have for dinner?"


"It's noodles again. I feel like Brother Ji Han eats noodles every day."

Ji Han initially felt a little dissatisfied with Gu Xing's noisiness, but when he looked up and saw Pan Yanqing's slightly jealous and dissatisfied look on the opposite side, he suddenly didn't mind anymore.

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