Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 I can’t help but blame you

Since they moved here, they have never been disturbed by anyone they didn't know.

Even though some people wanted to invite them to join their team, they didn't bother too much after they were rejected.

So who is coming?

"I'll open the door."

Yu Chengzhou stood up and opened the door. Gu Xing stared at Pan Yanqing with good eyesight until the people around him noticed his gaze and followed it. Then, while his face turned cold, a cool voice came, "What are you looking at?" ?”

Gu Xing's body trembled subconsciously, and he lowered his head with a guilty conscience, "I didn't look at anything, just took a look."

Ji Han's face doesn't look good. Does he like Pan Yanqing, so he thinks about Pan Yanqing?

This was all he could think of.

After all, Gu Xing had been very kind to Pan Yanqing in the past few days, so kind that he didn't hide it, right?

Always turn towards him and favor him.

Ji Han lowered his head slowly. He didn't want the dirty sleeping pills, but he couldn't bear to throw them away because he didn't have a second sleeping pill.

"Well, I'm going to wash the dishes first. Do you want... give me your bowl too? I'll wash it for you by the way."

Gu Xing reached out to Ji Han, but was given a cold glare by Ji Han.

He ignored him, got up, took his own bowl and went to the kitchen to wash it.

"Warning warning, the mission target happiness value has dropped to 34%, host, please pay attention!"

Gu Xing subconsciously looked at Pan Yanqing, his eyes were red and misty, obviously extremely sad.

The system emerged from Gu Xing's body and said, "Host, please focus on completing the task!"

Gu Xingren was stunned, why wasn't he focused? Who knows why the happiness value fell again in the blink of an eye. Brother Yanqing is not what happened today. The happiness value fluctuates QAQ.

The people outside the door were brought in by Yu Chengzhou.

"A Xing, Yan Qing, this is the base's senior management. If you need anything, come to us. Hey, where is A Han?"

"Brother Ji Han is washing the dishes inside. Brother, I'll wash the dishes first too."

When Gu Xing went in, he bumped into Ji Han who had just finished washing the dishes. Ji Han gave him a cold look and walked out from his side.

Why are there so many moody people in this world!

The difficulty of the mission has doubled, it’s so miserable QAQ.

When Gu Xing finished washing the dishes and came out, several people had already sat down. He approached and heard the other person introduce himself, "I am the housekeeper of the base. I came here today because I heard that several high-level zombies in Huaicheng were killed. I came here specifically to visit." one time."

Everyone else focused on his words, but Gu Xing couldn't help but notice the other person's identity, housekeeper? What a simple title.

Because Ji Han seemed to be in a bad mood, Gu Xing didn't dare to get too close to him for fear of being scolded, so he simply found a seat not far or near from Pan Yanqing.

Ji Han's face turned dark and he clenched his teeth.

"It was mainly Ahan who killed him. It has nothing to do with us."

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