Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Leaving with the protagonist group

Gu Xing raised his head and looked ahead, and saw three people standing at the entrance of the supermarket not far away. Their clothes were neat even before the apocalypse, and they were handsome and good-looking.

He breathed a sigh of relief and was even more certain that they were the protagonist group.

The protagonist in the novel, Yu Chengzhou, is a powerful fire power user. His good friend Ji Han is also a powerful thunder power user. The protagonist Pan Yanqing is a healing power user. In addition, They also have another characteristic, that is, their appearance surpasses anyone in the book.

So after seeing their faces, Gu Xing was basically convinced.

He looked frightened and looked at the three people standing in the warm sun with trembling eyes.

"You are......"

"Are you survivors of city B?"

Yu Chengzhou, who was standing in front of the three of them, vaguely assuming the posture of a leader, asked them first.

Li Yong has not yet recovered from the sudden change, his face is still frightened, "You, who are you!"

Gu Xing seemed calmer. Remembering the identity assigned to him by the No. 1 system, he gritted his teeth and carefully walked around the zombie corpses. He stepped forward and said to Yu Chengzhou and others, "Yes, we are survivors of City B. My name is Gu Okay, this is Brother Li, we are the residents here. Because the food at home is getting less and less after the apocalypse, we just ventured out to look for food today. Unexpectedly..."

He glanced vaguely at the corpses on the ground, and everyone present understood.

I didn't expect to be blocked by zombies and unable to get out.

After listening to Gu Xing's words, Pan Yanqing actively walked over and asked him about the fall of City B after the end of the world. However, apart from moving his fingers at the beginning to save Gu Xing's life, Ji Han basically stood still and looked on coldly. Pan Yanqing kept asking questions.

Gu Xing had a good attitude towards Pan Yanqing. After all, this was his mission target. When he heard Pan Yanqing's question, he immediately prepared to reply and opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know anything, which was very embarrassing.

He looked at Li Yong in confusion, and Li Yong looked back at him in confusion.

Just when Gu Xing was about to talk nonsense, Yu Chengzhou spoke, his voice hesitant and filled with surprise, "You said...your name is Gu Xing?"

Hearing this tone, Gu Xing felt relieved. The system was quite reliable in handling things. The protagonist was recognized by him after just one attack. He was just thinking about how he could escape without leaving any trace if Yu Chengzhou was not recognized by him. Remind the other person of his cousin?

Fortunately, Yu Chengzhou already had him in his memory.

"Yes, my name is Gu Xing, what's wrong?"

Gu Xing tilted his head slightly and smiled. Even in a supermarket full of zombie corpses, there was a different kind of softness that made people relax their vigilance.

Yu Chengzhou clenched his fists and thought for a while, then raised his head and looked straight at Gu Xing, his tone became even more excited, "Then what are your parents' names?"

"Brother Chengzhou?" Pan Yanqing made a confused voice.

Gu Xing was stunned. Damn it, the system didn't say what his parents' names were!

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