Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Angry

Gu Xing also didn't expect that his brother's emotional intelligence was so low. No wonder there was no Zhuisui Crematorium in the original text, so his brother was directly promoted. If there really was a Zhuisui Crematorium, with his brother's character as a straight man, he would probably have his ashes spread directly. .

Yu Chengzhou stared at Gu Xing and drank two large bowls of porridge. After he finished drinking, he said to Ji Han,

"We will set off in a moment to pick up the mission at the place I have inquired about. Ah Xing, you stay and look after the house."


Housekeeping? You think I'm a dog!

"Why do you want me to stay? I want to go with you." He was afraid that his brother, a straight man, would break the protagonist's heart and cause his happiness level to drop.

"Ah Xing, it's too dangerous outside. It's safer in the base. Can you just stay in the base and wait for me?"

Yu Chengzhou didn't want his cousin to go to dangerous places, and even coaxed him like a child.

But Gu Xing pursed his lips, unwilling to stay. He came here just to make Pan Yanqing happy, so how could he leave Pan Yanqing?

"Brother Yanqing doesn't have an offensive ability, so let him stay. I'm very bored by myself."

If the protagonist stays, he can at least chat with the protagonist and find out why his happiness suddenly dropped that night.

Yu Chengzhou looked at Pan Yanqing hesitantly, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by Ji Han, "No, we can only raise a freeloader."

Wow, Ji Han actually said that I was a freeloader! QAQ. This damn apocalypse, this damn system.

"Then I won't eat for nothing. I'll go with you. What if I can be of any help? I don't want to stay at home alone."

Gu Xing deliberately made a fuss and looked pitifully at Yu Chengzhou.

Ji Han is a ruthless person, and there is no point in pretending to be pitiful with Ji Han. He can only pretend to be pitiful with Yu Chengzhou.

Sure enough, Yu Chengzhou hesitated quickly. He was a brother-controller. Usually he always wanted to agree to his brother's request unconsciously, but this time his brother asked to go to a dangerous place with them.

"It's too dangerous there. I'm afraid we won't be able to take care of you then." Yu Chengzhou hesitated.

"We also encountered zombies on the road. As long as I stay in the car and don't go out, I'll be fine. Brother, just take me with you. I'm alone in the base and I'm not familiar with the place, so I'm a little scared."

Ji Han raised his eyebrows when he heard the word "fear". He always felt that Gu Xing was very courageous and did not seem like a person who would be afraid.

Tsk, don't you just want to be with Pan Yanqing?

Sure enough, do all men like white lotuses like Pan Yanqing?

Ji Han felt a little unhappy.

"Warning, the mission target happiness value has dropped to 20%, host, please pay attention!"



When did his happiness level rise to 20%?

"Just when you didn't let me speak and pushed me back."

System No. 1 heard the host's doubts and took the initiative to answer his questions. Complaints could be vaguely heard in the mechanical voice.

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