Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Shall I sleep with you?

Gu Xing was a little overwhelmed by what Ji Han said and wanted to refute, but Ji Han told him not to talk to him.

He had no choice but to lean back and sit depressed.

Pan Yanqing looked at Ji Han and then at Gu Xing, hesitated for a while, and sat a little closer to Gu Xing, "Don't be angry, Ji Han has a bad temper. We just need not to offend him. You should talk to him less next time." "

He was above board and wanted Gu Xing to be on his side.


Ji Han laughed out loud, not bothering to pay attention to his little thoughts.

Gu Xing glanced at Ji Han, but did not reply to that question, and asked something else, "Are you okay just now? Did you hit anything?"

Pan Yanqing said, "I'm fine."

"Well, it's okay. Just wait, we should be there soon."


The next two people talked to each other as skillfully as if they had known each other for a long time, which made people excited.

City Q is not far from City X. It's an hour's drive away. They passed by a gas station on the way and they stopped to fill up the tank. Before they arrived at City Q, they already saw the long road coming out of City Q. Team up.

I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until dark.

Yu Chengzhou frowned and came over to knock on Ji Han's car window.

Ji Han rolled down the window, bent down and said to the people in the car, "I'll drive to the front to take a look in a moment. You guys wait for me here."

"Okay, cousin, we are waiting for you. Come back soon."


People outside can't see inside through the car window, but they can see outside.

The ground was covered with scattered garbage, and it looked like no one had cleaned it for a long time. Except for the people waiting in line, most of the people were sallow and thin, squatting in a corner in a daze. There were old people and children inside, but no one had any marks on their face. Any happy look.

This is the end of the world described in the book, which the author calls... a natural disaster.

Gu Xing covered the car window with one hand. When he first arrived, although he saw the devastated world outside, he never calmed down and felt it. He just wanted to complete the task and then recover.

It wasn't until he truly realized how difficult it was to complete the task that he calmed down and wanted to take a good look at the world.

When reading novels, he would only sigh that luckily there is no such thing in real life. Until he was actually there, he felt a faint feeling of pity in his heart. He felt sorry for these people living in the last days, especially the elderly and especially children. .

Pan Yanqing noticed that Gu Xing was looking outside in a daze, so he leaned over and asked him, "What are you looking at?"

However, when Gu Xing heard the voice, he turned around to see Pan Yanqing's enlarged face. He was startled and leaned back subconsciously, his back almost touching the car door.

Gu Xing looked a little embarrassed, "It's okay, I just think the end of the world is quite painful, and I hope it can get over soon."

Pan Yanqing looked in the direction Gu Xing had just looked at and understood instantly.

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