𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟰 - 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬

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𝙉𝙊 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑ミ★ミ★ミ★ミ

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Okay, asshole.

Violet looked around awkwardly, trying to avoid any confrontation of the boys rude actions. "Ok." She started to turn around. "Wait! Sorry." He stated quietly. Violet turned around. "is that the only thing you say?" Val mocked the boy, which made him laugh annoyingly.

"What's your name?" He squinted his eyes and tilted his head at her. Violet did the same thing back, tilting her head and squinting her eyes. "What's your name?" He looked down and snickered. "I asked first."

Violet raised her eyebrows. "I asked second."

She always loves messing with peoples mind to tick them off. Especially if the person was acting like a douche.

"I'm Dominik. Dominik Mysterio." This made the girls eyes widen. This was Dominik Mysterio?

"Hmm." Val thought out loud, which Dominik noticed. "What?" Dominik questioned. Violet shrugged. "Oh, you know, just didn't think Dominik Mysterio was low key an asshole." His mouth fell agape. "Asshole? You bumped into me!"

She put her hands on her hips. "And I apologized for it!" Violet exclaimed with a pleased smile on her face. She found it funny how mad Dominik was getting.

Dominik sighed and flattened his lips once again. "Touché."

Violet chuckled and turned to walk away. "Still didn't get your name." Dominik stated, making her turn around once more. "It's Violet. Violet Valentine Rollins." His eyes widened. "Like, Valentine from NXT and Smackdown? Seth's sister?" Violet sighed at his ignorance and started to walk away. "Bye, Mysterio." Val uttered, ignoring Dominik's questions.

While she walked away she could here him utter a small 'bruh', which made her smile. A crew member tapped her on the shoulder and told her she's going on in 2 minutes. If her nerves weren't already fucking horrible, maybe she'd be fine. But the anxiety and nerves hit her all at once. Yeah, she was nervous before, but god damn had it gotten worse.

She approached the gorilla, and waited for the buzzer to go off. Violet felt as though that was the longest 2 minutes of her life.

Once she heard the buzzer, she took one large deep breath. Her entrance song, I'm So Sick by Flyleaf blared through the speakers surrounding the stadium. She could hear the crowd go absolutely crazy, same with the commentators.

"Oh my god it's Valentine from NXT! Since when is she on the main roster?!"

"I don't know but I'm definitely happy about it!"

Violet made her way out of the gorilla and into the arena. She stood there for a moment to take it all in.

I will break into your thoughts
With what's rotten of my heart
I will BREAK

She ran forwards on the beat drop and slid her knees on the ground, doing a mermaid hair flip once she stopped sliding. Whenever Violet got into the ring, she immediately felt as her wrestling persona, Valentine. She got up and hit a few hands that were waiting for a high five.

After hitting a few hands, Val ran and slid into the ring.

Almost right when she got in, someone grabbed her hair and shoved her into the corner of the ring. Violet eyes went wide with surprise. She looked up to see Carmella stomping into her. Not actually hurting her, of course. Before Violet could fight back. Carmella was ripped off of her by Liv Morgan.

Liv threw punches over and over again at Carmella as Val got up to do the same to her. Liv and Violet stopped momentarily to look at each other. They both smirked and nodded.

Violet drop kicked Carmella into the ropes. Carmella groaned loudly as Liv chopped her on her chest. The past tag team champions grabbed both of Carmella's legs and flung her over the top rope, eliminating her.

The crowds cheered at the elimination and at Liv and Violets partnership. They haven't see these two as partners since NXT, so everyone was pretty excited.

The two girls basked in their glory, before looking at each other. For a moment the crowd thought they were gonna start fighting, and so did other people in the ring.

Instead, Liv held her hand out to Violet. Anticipation surrounded the stadium. There was no doubt that the cameras were on them.

Val grabbed Liv's hand, shook it, and pulled Liv in for a tight hug. Making the crowd go absolutely bonkers.

"Me and you against the world, right?" Liv whispered into Violet ear. Val pulled away and smiled while looking into Liv's eyes. "You betcha." A humungous grin spread across Liv's face. But the sweet moment was cut short when Liv was kicked in her side by Chelsea Green, making her fall into the ropes.

Violet stomped towards Chelsea with and angry look on her face. Chelsea backed away scared. "Wa-Wait! We-We can work together, yeah?!" Chelsea did the same thing Liv did and held out her hand for Val to shake. Violet grabbed onto Chelsea's hand, acting like she was really going to shake it. Instead, Violet yanked Chelsea's hand down. She grabbed the back of Chelsea's head with her left hand and shoved it into her knee, making sure not to actually hurt Chelsea.

Everyone in the stadium gasped, but also cheered. It was clear no one really liked Chelsea. She was meant to be an annoying and self centered. Violet hoped she wasn't actually like that behind the scenes. She knew everyone here has an act to put on.

Chelsea was on the ground pretending to groan in pain. The crowds erupted into chants of Val's finisher, The Heartbreaker.


Val smiled to herself at the encouraging chants. Chelsea was lying on her back continuing to groan. Violet jumped as high as she could and landed on Chelsea with one knee on her chest, and the other on her stomach.

She picked up Chelsea over her head, showing off her strength, and threw her over the top rope. The crowds cheered even louder at the elimination.

Damn, was Violet having fun.

𝘼/𝙉!!!yallll talk to me how are we feelin !!

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yallll talk to me how are we feelin !!

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