𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟭 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘯𝘰𝘵

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𝙉𝙊 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑ミ★ミ★ミ★ミ

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Needless to say, the group had a group had a great time at SkyZone. Violet really felt like she was getting to know the boys, and she hoped they felt the same. Though she didn't speak to Dominik much, she was glad they were sort of getting along.

Dominik felt the same, but he didn't really know how to feel about it. He just hated this girl and now he sort of, just sort of, didn't mind her. There were many times where she made everyone laugh, including him. He tried so hard not to laugh with them, but he eventually joined in. Val felt proud of herself for making the boy laugh. She hoped that Dominik and her would start getting along. Dominik on the other hand, had other things in mind.

Once they left SkyZone, they decided to head back to the arena and just chat.

The practice ring that they were practicing earlier was specifically assigned to The Judgment Day for the day. They all sat in the middle of the ring criss cross applesauce in a circle, and ate some McDonald's.

All three of the boys were talking with each other about random things and Rhea and Violet were watching Instagram reels, giggling and laughing at almost every single one they saw.

When they were scrolling, there was a reel from WWE of Dominik saying 'dub' every time they won.

Val leaned a bit closer and smiled at his goofiness, which Rhea obviously noticed.

"Dude." Rhea smirked while staring at Val. Violet was caught out of her trance and looked back to Rhea. "What? Is there something on my face?" Val swiped at her cheeks to try and get anything off, but she was far from what Rhea really meant.

Rhea laughed. "No stupid!" She leaned closer to talk softly into Violets ear. "You and him are literally gonna be enemies to lovers."

Val squinted her eyes in confusion. "Who?"

Rhea used her finger to turn Val's head towards Dominik.

Her eyes widened.

"What?!" Violet yelled, making the boys stop and stare at her for a second before giggling, not including Dominik, of course.

Val turned her head back to Rhea. "What?" She whisper yelled. Rhea chuckled. "Come on bro, you know it's true. I can already see the Wattpad stories and fan art of y'all." Violet shook her head at Rheas lies.

"Absolutely the fuck not. You know damn well I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, but in this case, it's just-" She paused for a moment. "No. Just no. Plus, it's clear the guy hates me." Val sighed and looked back towards Rheas phone, trying to rid of the conversation.

Rhea noticed and shut her phone off. Violet groaned but laughed. "Rhe!"

Rhea made a face to mock Val. "Rhe, blah blah blah! You know I'm right." She smiled menacingly.

"Shut the fuck up." Violet glared into Rheas eyes as Rhea just giggled, turning back to turn her phone on so they could keep scrolling for a bit.

Once everyone had finished their food, Finn came up with the idea to watch a movie, Rhea insisting to go to her house.

Everyone agreed and began to throw away any garbage, packing their bags before continuing out of the building to Damian's car. Val chose to just take her own car, not feeling very comfortable just leaving it at the arena. Plus, she's already been to Rhea's home many times, so she knew she could drive herself.

Violet texted Rhea saying she was going to stop at Starbucks real quick to get a drink. She asked if Rhea wanted anything, but she politely declined.

After she got her frappe, she turned up her music, blaring Melanie Martinez through her car speakers, and began to drive to Rheas.

Usually the drive wouldn't be to long because she only lived about two streets away from Rhea in an apartment. But, since she wasn't driving from her house, the drive was about fifteen minutes. She kept herself accompanied by music and seat warmers, even though they were in LA so it was pretty warm out.

The front door to Rheas home was already open and waiting for her, so she just walked right in.

Immediately, Rheas dogs Barry and Luna began to jump on Val. "Hi puppies! I missed you!"

It had only been about 4 days since she's seen the the two animals, but she couldn't help but be excited. Violet loved and adored animals, and could only wish of having her own. It sucked, but, that's what happens when you live in an apartment.

She kept a good grip on her coffee as she walked down into the basement where Rheas movie room was. Already, the boys were sitting on the long couch scrolling through movies to watch along with Rhea.

"There she is!" Finns thick Irish accent spoke. Val laughed. "Yes, it is I." She spoke in a goofy British accent. Everyone laughed except Dominik, who tried to hide the grin on his face with his hand.

Violet plopped down on the huge couch with Rhea on her right and Dominik on her left. He visibly shifted a bit because he was nervous, but tried to make it look like he just didn't want to sit next to her. Val however, didn't give a shit.

Damian spun the remote in his hands. "Alright fam, what we watching?" He continued to scroll through movies for them to watch, stopping on some to see the others reaction.

It was silent. That is, until Dominik spoke up. "Y'all ever seen Sausage Party?" He questioned. The group collectively snapped their heads towards Dom and gasped. Rhea and Violet made eye contact and started to burst out laughing.

Damian chuckled slightly. "We aren't watching fucking Sausage Party."

Dominik sighed obnoxiously. "Dude, why not?! It's funny as fuck!" He argued. Val snickered at Dominiks response. "We don't want to watch foods literally having sex with each other." This made Dominik scoff. "Okay, yeah, but it's funny!"

"Maybe it is, but still. It's a little funky, especially when this is the time we're to supposed to be getting to know each other. Why would we watch a movie about foods having sex?" Violet explained.

Dominik flattened his lips. "Whatever." He leaned back into the couch, crossing his arms. Val proudly smiled to her house, Rhea doing the same to Val.

Rhea leaned to whisper into Violets ear.

"Told ya." Rheas grinned grew wider. Val rolled her eyes. Of course, she was definitely a sucker for enemies to lovers, but, Dominik just seemed like a douche. At least to her he was.

Violet never wanted to be on 'bad terms' with Dom. She would gladly try to become friends with him, but it seems like he wants the complete opposite. To not be friends with her. At least, that's how it seemed to Val.

𝘼/𝙉!!!this one isn't really that good but it's long so here you go 😊😊 (so sorry) how are you all feeling today?

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this one isn't really that good but it's long so here you go 😊😊 (so sorry)
how are you all feeling today?

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