𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟴 - 𝘥𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴

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While Dom and Val were having fun a jumping around, Val suddenly got a bursting headache. She lifted her hand up to her head and winced, also feeling slight dizziness come over her.

"Vi, you okay?" Dom asked.

Feeling slightly embarrassed to be seen like this i'm front of Dom, she excused herself. "Yeah, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She immediately rushed to the bathroom as fast as she could. Which wasn't really fast because of her dizziness.

Swinging the bathroom door open, she ran to the sink and splashed cold water on her face. It didn't really help with much but just cooling her off for a moment.

'What the fuck is happening?' Violet thought to herself. She couldn't recall anything happening to make her feel like this.

Wait... her concussion.

Val brought her palm to her forehead. "God, how could you forget you have a goddamn concussion?" She muttered to herself. How does someone forget they have a fucking concussion? If Rhea knew Val was out jumping on trampolines and doing flips she'd be pissed. And Rhea could get a bit scary when she was angry.

"You okay, honey?" A voice of a older woman asked.

Before Violet could respond, everything went black, and the last thing she heard was the lady calling for help.


Dom sat at a table eating Dip-N-Dots when he heard yelling coming from the direction of the bathroom.

He looked to see multiple worker standing at the door, and a middle aged woman speaking to them with a scared face. But he saw no sign of Val.

He jogged over with a worried face. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid it's not of your business." A worker said calmly.

"I don't care. My girlfriend was in there." His eyes widened at what he had just said, but he quickly shook it off.

The workers looked to one another before looking back at Dom. "Is your girlfriend that one wrestler girl?"

"Yes." He quickly responded.

The middle aged woman stepped forward. "She blacked out, sweetie. The ambulance is on their way." She spoke with a shaky voice.

"Blacked out? What do you mean blacked out?" Dom raised his voice a bit. "Where is she?"

"In the bathroom with some of the paramedic workers here." The woman responded.

Without a thought, Dominik barged through the bathroom door to see Val lying on the ground unconscious. The sides of her hair were stuck to the side of her head with sweat, and her cheeks were a bright pink color.

"Shit." He muttered, immediately kneeling down beside her.

A worker tried to push him away. "Sir, you can't-"

"I'm her boyfriend." Dominik replied quickly.

The worker slowly put his hand back down to let Dom closer to Violet.

Dom put a soft hand on her cheek. "Vi?" He asked softly. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't know if you can hear me, but-" Dom took a shaky breath. "You're gonna be okay, alright? I got you."

Taking out his phone with shaky hands, Dominik clicked on Rheas contact and called her.

It rang a couple times before she answered.

"Hello?" Rhea spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Val passed out."

The line was silent for a moment.

"... What?" Rhea asked with anger brewing in her voice.

Dominik sighed heavily. "Yeah, we're at Sky-Zone and-"

"Sky-Zone?!" She asked even angrier. "While she has a fucking concussion?! Dom, you're dead."

Dominik face went pale. She had a fucking concussion? He felt guilt wash over him.

"Fuck. Rhea, I didn't know, I swear."

"Text me the hospital she's being sent too." The line went dead.

Well, fuck.

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goo goo ga ga 😈

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