𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟯 - 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴

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𝙉𝙊 𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑ミ★ミ★ミ★ミ

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Violet woke up the next morning with crusty and puffy eyes, topped off with a runny nose. Luckily, she had some makeup wipes and tissues on her desk.

She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. "Ew." Val rolled up her tissue and tosses it in a trash can next to her bed.

"Somebody shoot me." Violet spoke tiredly before getting up and stretching. She began to walk to the bathroom, but she got a call from Rhea.

Picking it up and answering it, she groaned. "I have to pee so bad." The line went silent until she could hear Liv's giggling on the other side, along with Rhea speaking. "Then go pee?" 

It went silent again. Val sighed. "Fine."

Rhea giggled on the other line. "Okay, well, when you're done doing your thing meet me and Liv outside your house alright? We're taking my car so you can just leave yours here." Rhea explained.

"Oki doki, I'll see you guys soon!" Val tried to seem as excited as possible for it being four in the morning.

The three girls said goodbye to each other and Val continued to do her business.

After she took the fastest piss of her life, Violet changed into grey sweatpants and a baggy Paramore shirt. She quickly threw on a black zip up hoodie and grabbed her bag and suitcase.

A honk was heard from outside, so she took that as Rhea was there. She ran outside and put her suitcase in the trunk along with her bag.

Violet got in the backseat and buckled herself in. "What is up my dudes?" She smiled towards the two as they laughed.

Liv and Rhea both said hi back and Rhea started backing up the car. Liv had hooked up her phone so she could play a playlist she made that night for the three of them.

It was about a 20 minute drive to the airport, so it wasn't too bad for the three friends.

Rhea parked the car and they all stepped out to get their luggage.

Beginning to walk towards the entrance, they hear a voice.

"Hey guys!" A thick Irish accent spoke. Finn walked up to the girls with Damian and Dominik by his side. Rhea dabbed them up and they all waved to Liv. Once Finn reached Val, he hugged her and rocked back and forth before pulling away. "Hey Finny." She smiled at him. Damian walked over and held is hand up for a high five. "Sup, little bug." She smacked his hand. "Hey, big guy."

Damian moved out of the way to reveal Dominik, who just awkwardly stood there. Violet chuckled. "Hi, Dom."

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes and didn't even try to hide the smile on his face while walking through the group and towards the entrance.

Everyone checked their tickets to see who they were sitting next too. "I got 114, what about y'all?" Violet questioned Liv and Rhea.

Liv gasped. "Yes! I got 113!" Liv exclaimed. They both turned to look at Rhea who just groaned. "Ugh! I got 117."

"That's not that bad, it's right across from us!" Val tried to make Rhea feel better. Rhea smiled. "Yeah, I still get to see your pretty face." She winked. Violet flicked Rheas forehead, which made her hiss but giggle.

The three girls stopped in their tracks when they heard a loud groan. They turned to see Dominik rolling his eyes at them.

Rhea scoffed. "What the fuck is it now you big baby?"

"I have to sit next to her." Dom pointed towards Val, whose jaw just dropped. "Bruh."

Rhea scoffed once again. "Get over it. It's a pleasure to sit next to such a goddess." She smirked towards Violet.

Dom rolled his eyes, again. "I beg to differ." Dominik turned to look at his phone. All three of the girls mouths were agape. "He did not just say that." Liv spoke, baffled.

"He's such an asshole Val, I'm so-" Rhea was cut off by Violet laughing. Liv and Rhea both looked at each other confused. "What's so funny?"

Val took a moment to catch her breath. "Nothing it's just- he low key ate me up with that. Did you see the way my jaw fucking dropped?" Violet burst out laughing again. The other two girls shook their heads and laughed as well.

Liv put a hand on Violets shoulder. "Alright weirdo, let's go find our seats." She smiled at her.

Once they got on the plane, they could see that the boys had already sat down.

Dom was leaning against the window with his headphones on, and Finn and Damian were right across them chatting up a storm.

Rhea sat in the isle seat by the two boys, and Val sat in the middle between Dominik and Liv. She wanted the window seat so bad, but decided not to fight over it.

About half way through the plane ride, Liv was asleep, and Violet was hungry. She didn't wanna wake Liv up so she turned to Dominik.

"Yo." She tapped him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes and turned to face her. "What do you want?"

"Okay, rude. Um- do you have any snacks?" Violet asked. He squinted his eyes at her. "Did you not bring your own?" He questioned her. Val flattened her lips together before shaking her head no. Dominik rolled his eyes once again, and began to look through his bag.

"You roll your eyes a lot." Violet spoke honestly. He sighed. "I'm aware."

"I'm gonna start keeping track of how many times you roll your eyes. You know, you could probably break a world record or something." Violet leaned back while speaking to him.

Dominik sat back up and handed Violet a bag of goldfish. He fake smiled at her before turning back around to face the window. There was a small moment of silence.

"Thanks." Val opened the bag of goldfish and plopped one on her mouth.



There was another moment of silence before Val picked up a goldfish and held it out to Dom. "Want one?"

Dominik audibly sighed and put his hand out while still facing the window.

Violet smiled to herself before placing a couple goldfish in Dominiks hand. She was happy he was sort of warming up to her. Even though she hasn't really warmed up to him yet, it was still progress.

Yeah, progress.

𝘼/𝙉!!!WOAHHH 2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY⁉️⁉️ i wanna bite rheas thighs so bad 😊😊

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i wanna bite rheas thighs so bad 😊😊

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