Chapter 1

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The ginger hummed lightly, legs dangling off the building. He enjoyed the gently breeze up here, it was encouraging him to do the impossible.

Well, it wasn't exactly impossible. He was going to make it possible.

The ginger sighed, standing up, he raised his hands, stretching as he looked up at the sky anticipating that a flock of birds would fly past him.

There were none.

Should he? His eyes glnace at the busy streets of Yokohama, cars and people looking like ants to him and dots of light.

He felt powerful currently. He liked having control of everything. Outstrecthing his palm, the ginger smiled softly to himself. Grey clouds slowly made their way into the previously bright blue sky.

He liked it when it rained he liked it when he felt the droplets of rain on his scarred skin.

He loved it a lot.

The ginger inhaled and exhaled, one foot stretched out as he dropped.

He closed his eyes, awaiting the crushing of bones or maybe the end of all this.

The clouds opened up a circle, letting the sun rays hit the city below opened up.

A dash of white flew through the circle, the ginger's eyes fluttered open, the exhilarating feeling of falling stopped as his eyes widened.

He attempted to sit up but a childish yet comforting voice rang out, stopping him, "Careful mortal, don't need you falling."

The ginger gasped when he saw the creature, he thought only existed in books and movies.

Delicate white wings fluttered majestically as he glanced at the brunette in front of him, smiling.

"What the hell..." the ginger muttered and the brunette scoffed, "It's 'what the heaven' child. Don't use hell or you'll end up there."

The ginger nodded blankly.

The brunette chuckled at the other's flabbergasted look, "You're a special one."

The ginger snapped out for it and raised a brow, " What makes your think that?"

"Your aura."

The ginger frowned as he was slowly placed on the roof of the bussing once again.

"What's your name human? I'm one of the holy angels of heaven, well that's what we go by at least." The brunette rolled his eyes.

The ginger laughs almost mockingly at the other's behaviour, "An angel....unbelievable."

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