Chapter 29

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It was finally the awaited day of the annual banquet of hell. It was an annual celebration to either introduce a new heir to the throne or to promote any devils to a higher position.

The raven haired strolled throughout the vast room, scrutinising all the decorations, hand straightening the silk table cloth that was undoubtedly, utterly expensive. He had to prove himself worthy as their lord, especially after the whole 'murder' incident which has thankfully settled down.

His trusted subordinate was still trying to find out who did it and according to him, he had a clue who it was but he had to gain more evidence. He was at least rest assured that the case was being handled well.

Amethyst eyes glanced over the throne on an elevated platform, it was decorated by gold and jewels. To be honest, Fyodor didn't like the fancy additions to the 'chair', it was actually rather uncomfortable. He frowned when he glanced over to the crown on the throne, it laid there motionless yet held such power that even he shivered after looking at it too long.

The crown was said to be crafted meticulously by the first kind or hell. It looked like vines intertwining to form the shape of the crown with intricate details on the edges. On closer inspection, it seemed as if the crown radiated warmth. However, it wasn't the comforting kind, it was warmth at such high temperature that it could burn even the strongest metal to non existence. 

The raven haired approached the throne as he frowned slightly. He remembered stealing the throne from the heir. It was like a real life gamble, even he had to admit, he was scared his plan might have failed. He had worn the crown during one of the annual banquets to announce hell's new lord but he couldn't help but snatch the crown off his head once the whole banquet was over. 

He had headaches for weeks. After that, he used the excuse of it being troublesome whenever he needed to change clothes to escape his responsibility of wearing it. He assumed it was because he wasn't exactly the true heir to the throne and therefore the crown did not see him as a fit king. Sounded non sensical but it was possible. 

Up to now, he had no idea who was the true heir as he had snatched the throne without much thought but since no one had come with any problems, he decided the devil must have gave up or was content with not getting the throne.

Fyodor's fingers brushed the crown before a voice echoed through the room, "My lord, the traitor has been caught and he is currently in the dungeon."

The raven haired hastily retracted his hand before turning and smiling, "Good job. I'll visit the dungeon myself after tonight's banquet. You may go."

His eyes narrowed before continuing, "On second thought, would you be able to scrutinise on the kitchen. Don't want any mishaps after all."

The ginger nodded, walking right past the raven haired who sighed, he had to ensure nothing goes wrong during the banquet.


The red head straightened his tie he was wearing as he nodded at the waiters who had two trays in each of their hands.

Upon noticing the red head nod, they filed out of the kitchen in an orderly manner, quickly serving all the food out to the early guests. The raven head observed as all the devils resent slowly took their respective seats. Everything was going well and due to the good news of the traitor being caught, he could rest assured but he couldn't let his guard down yet.

He eyed all the guests who entered, chatting with their selected partner for the banquet. When everyone was seated, he made his way to the throne, greeting everyone with the same old script he used every year. It was getting boring now, he saw the fake smiles and attentive looks as he was very tempted to set the whole room on fire.

"Please enjoy your time here." He ended his greeting with that before doing his usual 'pick and greet'. It was merely just picking out who he felt like picking and having small talk with them.

He usually chose the more important figures. Yes, in hell, there was status. Especially his executives who worked behind the scenes. They played a vital role and he had to make sure he was on their good side. Despite his influential power and strength, he had the fear of being betrayed by these executives if he was in their bad books. They could kick him out of the throne if they really wanted to. He has to thread carefully.

He caught a glimpse of one of his executives as gestured for the red head, also holding a tray of champagne to come over as the last glass to give to his executive himself. The red head nodded as he slowly made his way to the kitchen with an empty tray.

He started small talk, thanking the other for his hard work before offering the glass of Champagne to the other as he swiftly took another glass for himself.

They clinked the glasses together and Fyodor was thankful that this executive was a nice and easy-going devil.

He kept his smile fixed on his face as he sipped on the champagne but his eyes widened when he saw his executive drop the glass,pieces shattering on the marble floor and the champagne staining the expensive table cloth as he fell to the ground, grasping for his neck, nails clawing at his own skin.

The raven haired was quick to check on the other as the executive frowned, hatred in his eyes as he used a shaky arm to point at Fyodor, exclaiming, "He poisoned me with holy water. He's working with the angels!"

Everyone in the room gasped, crowding in on the scene as Fyodor excused himself, exiting the scene quickly before it got ugly.

He eyed the red head who was the one who was the one who initially gave him the glass of champagne. It was conveniently the last one too. He approached the other who seemed to have noticed the other's intent as he quickly rushed out of the kitchen and leave to another separate room. Fyodor followed after.

The raven haired sighed when he reached a dead end, the red head stopping in his tracks and turning to face the other.

"You...Don't tell me you're working with the other traitor are you?"

The other stayed silent as the raven haired continued, "I know it's you who placed the holy water into the glass of champagne. Admit it and tell me what's your aim."

The other spoke defiantly, "Do not push the blame on me! You wanted to kill that executive because you didn't like him. It's pretty obvious. You're easy to read."

The raven haired felt his eye twitch in annoyance as he raised his hand, flames crawling out but before he could hit the red head with his fire, gasps were heard from outside as the raven haired ceased his actions, turning to face the crowd who witnessed the scene. 

Keeping his composure, the raven haired knew he could lie his way out but before he could utter a word, the red head exclaimed, voice frantic, "He's trying to push the blame on others. He's planning to kill all of us!"

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