Chapter 21

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"With who?" The brunette asked, raising a brow.

The ginger stared at the other in silence. He really didn't want to admit it. He really didn't want to. The angel might hate him after he knew. He sighed before checking, "You promise you won't cast all bad luck on me if I tell you?"

He phrased it that way because he was unsure what the angel could actually do. Dazai might actually cast all bad luck on him if he could. 

"Okay?" the angel replied, confused on why the ginger phrased the question that way.

"With you."

The ginger glanced away as the brunette stayed silent before laughing a few seconds later.

"Chuuya thoughts I was going to curse him because he thought dirty thoughts about me..." The brunette trailed off, laughing evaporating into the air as he glanced at the other who quickly retorted, "It's not dirty thoughts! I didn't know what it was before you said it!"

The angel smirked, "Really?"


"Funny. You're quite a bold human. Are you not scared of having intercourse with an angel?"

Chuuya blushed, "Can you stop bringing it up? It's embarrassing."

Dazai scoffed, "I don't find it embarrassing whatsoever."

"That's because you're not me!" The ginger exclaimed, failing in his attempt to cover and wrap himself in his blanket as the angel was lying on it. He grumbled in embarrassment as he avoided the other's intensive stare.

The ginger sneaked a peek at the brunette who had given up trying to persuade him to look at him and had rested his cheek on the ginger's pillow, resting his head. Chuuya really hoped that the other had knocked out from being tired but he was sadly mistaken when the brunette's eyes was wide open, staring right back at him.

"Are you sleeping with your eyes open?" The ginger decided to test it as the angel blinked before snorting, "I'm not sleeping."

Chuuya nodded, happy that the atmosphere was at least less tense and they were both laughing.

The brunette's laughter dispersed throughout the room as he quietened down, eyes glancing around the room, as if he was unsure of something. 

"Did you really want to do it with me?"

The ginger managed to supress the temptation to hide underneath the covers again as he blushed, nodding.

The brunette stayed silent before mumbling, "I don't mind..." 

Chuuya caught it however and his mouth parted before closing again as he questioned, "Really?" He really had to make sure. Who knows what might happen if he forced the angel into it. The angel might make an asteroid destroy the earth...He wouldn't do that...or could he?

Dazai stared at the other as if reading his mind and raised a brow, questioning the ginger's intelligence once again. Upon seeing the ginger still waiting for his answer as he sighed, nodding once again, seemingly as embarrassed of the situation as Chuuya.

"You sure?" Just for extra precaution...

"For godsake Chuuya, just hurry up and-"


"Fuck! C-chuuya!" The angel's shaky voice echoed in the room.

After having a 'meaningful' debate about who was going to be top and bottom, they finally settled on the ginger tackling the other to the bed and stripping the other. It was a rather 'peaceful' argument. 

However, despite the ginger being this 'demanding', he still took care of the other's need due to the angel admitting it was his first time.

The ginger kissed the other's collarbone before trailing down to the other's stomach, planting a kiss there too, still relentlessly thrusting into the other, his body moving on it's own.

The brunette's spine tingled with pleasure as he moaned, his wings stretching outwards, straining against the other's movements before folding back up, a few feathers dropping onto the mattress, the ginger seized his movements for a while, letting the brunette rest as he picked up the feathers and observed it before dropping it once again as he continued his merciless thrusting, making the other arch his back, screaming out and cursing profanities at the other.

Dazai's fingers curled, nails gently clawing at the other's arms.

No words were exchanged, except the brunette's constant yelling for the ginger to give him more before contradicting himself by screaming for the other to stop, wings fluttering in a panic like way.

The brunette came undone with a choked cry as the ginger followed suit, hand pushing back  locks of ginger hair off his face as he smiled in content. That temptation was gone. He kissed the other's lips a few times before observing the other who's eyes were hazy, obviously not paying attention to the what was happening around him.

Chuuya smiled, comforting the other, gently caressing the other's wings, eyes glancing at the feathers on the floor.

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