Chapter 28

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"He lied to us! He better show himself or we're going in ourselves!" 

Fyodor's eyes widened at the exclaims right outside the main cedar doors that was the thing blocking him from the main gate. Sighing, he did not hesitate to push open the heavy door and he stared in shock when he saw multiple demons pressing themselves on 'his' gate as if trying to pry open the gates.

He glanced over at his guards who noticed him quickly filled him in, "They've been protesting since yesterday. Something about you."

The raven haired frowned when he saw the devils swarming the outside of his castle. He hummed as he approached the enraged devils who reached their hands out trying to pull the raven hair towards them.

Fyodor raised his arm before stopping. He rather note attack them to prove whatever thoughts they had right. He'll just understand the situation first.

"Is something the matter?" He asked, face composed and calm.

"You liar! How could you kill your own kind?"

The raven haired raised a brow, he had killed one of his higher-ups because he was annoying, he also killed a few traitors. He decided on acting innocent.


The devils seemed confused, they pointed at the broadcasting monitor placed around the land, mostly used to quickly spread important news or during emergency cases.

He couldn't help but gasp when he saw the video being played on the screen. It was a video of him burning one of his assistants to death. The rumour of his flames being one of the strongest was prevalent knowledge to all devils living in hell.

The raven haired clicked his tongue in annoyance when he heard the murmurs from his guards behind him. He smiled, composure not wavering as he announces, "I assure you I only kill traitors of hell. The devil you see in the video is one who helped an angel. It was the necessary action."

Smiling as some of the devils contemplated on what he was saying. He could sway the devil's mindsets once again. He just had to say the right things. He bowed in front of the crowd before apologising for the misunderstanding before entering the castle once again, guards following closely behind.

Someone must be tampering with the broadcasting monitors and trying to take the throne. He must find out who. He caught a glimpse of ginger hair whisking past his corridor as he called out, "Chuuya! Can you come over here for a second?"

Like on cue, the ginger turned, approaching the other and bowing in respect. 

The raven haired nodded, smiling, "I need you to find a traitor among the executives. Have you seen what was being played on the broadcasting system?"

"Yes. I only caught wind of it this morning."

"I want him caught and thrown into the dungeon."

The ginger nodded, turning on his heel, seemingly on his way to accomplish the new order that was given to him.

Fyodor sighed as he continued, "Especially when this year's banquet is coming up..."

He turned a corner as the ginger's eyes followed him before walking away, gesturing for the red head leaning against the wall opposite of him to follow him as the ginger fiddled with the vial of holy water in his pocket.

Everything was going according to his plan.


Sorry everyone for the short chapter this time.  I would love to ask everyone whether for the next book, would you want it to be bottom Dazai or bottom Chuuya? I'm very tempted to let you all choose which book you would want after this one but I've decided on letting you guys choose who will be bottom instead because I've being seeing debates in different books on what book they want next.

Do leave a comment or any ideas! You can publish it on the public board as well.

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