Chapter 5

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Yawning, the ginger made his way out of the hospital, waving goodbye to Kouyou who looked just as tired. Sadly for her, she still had a few hours on her shift before she can swap with another doctor.

The incident from earlier that day was exhausting. The parents went crazy when Kouyou explained that the patient passed. True to her earlier words, they didn't leave for a few hours which meant he couldn't leave for a few hours. The pink haired doctor could still leave due to her other tasks.

Afterwards, he had to listen to the parent's ridiculous amount of requests on how to bury their son and 'give him peace'. The funny thing was that the hospital wasn't in charge of this burial part. They had to hire a separate service for this, the hospital was only in charge of preventing the bod from decaying until the funeral.

Nevertheless, he had to stay until they dismissed him. 

The ginger grumbled out curse words as he opened the door of his apartment. He had a near heart attack when he saw white wings peeping out from his kitchen.

He sighed as he slammed the door close, the noise making the angel flinch and glance at the main door. However, upon seeing him, the brunette smiled, "Don't mind me. Wanted to see what human food tasted like."

The ginger dropped his bag on the ground as he approached the other. The brunette raised a brow before Chuuya raised his hand.

However, before he could do anything, the brunette's eyes widened when the ginger collapsed onto him. The angel shook the other, attempting to check if the other was still conscious. Upon not sensing nor feeling any reaction, the brunette grumbled as he pulled the other to the bedroom.

He knew where it was from his earlier exploration of the apartment. He had delivered the soul of that man Chuuya was trying to save to the other angels who were in charge of separating them into different sections before heading back down the earth to try and find the ginger's home. He found it with ease and decided on staying there until the other came back.

The angel had become rather attached to the mortal, finding him different and interesting. The only living human who could see him too. Not many angels got to do that so he took advantage of that fact.

The brunette grunted as he carried the ginger onto the bed, observing him before ruffling his wings and folding it to create a nest-like feature before lying down beside the ginger. Angels weren't all that magical or different from humans. They all had emotions too and their powers were limited. Simple healing abilities along with being able to shapeshift. Their most prized possession was their blessed wings. Depending on one's deeds and actions, the shade of white varied among the angels. 

Those who killed and did the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do had greyish wings, close to black. They were locked away since the community didn't want to get influenced by their thoughts and sayings.

Those who were liked and did good deeds had white wings, almost close to shiny-like. Many flocked over to them, their wings being the main thing attracting the rest. The brunette didn't like attention, he only did what he was needed to, not really going the extra mile. He liked staying in the mortal realm more since no one payed attention to him and it was fun looking at all those human objects. 

He would sometimes sit on the roofs of the tallest buildings and purposely fall, knowing he could save himself anytime. It was the feeling of rushing wind and the adrenaline pumping through his angel veins that made it all the more fun. 

The others looked badly upon it, saying it was a bad influence for the humans and that they might do the same. The brunette found it pointless to think that way, they couldn't see angels anyways.

He thought it was because the other angels were jealous of his freedom of choice to do whatever he wanted. 

'Corrupted and no longer pure' 

They always said that but they never did say it to his face, his wings said otherwise after all. 

He was one of the main gatekeepers and part of the angel community, the highest rank in angel society. Others were either collectors or working at the separation section. If that's what they call it. He never did pay much attention to his job but most said he had the most important roles and he had to pay attention. One slip up and it'll ruin the whole system.

But that fact was that he never made any of those...'slip-ups'. He was an angel, a perfect being. He must not worry hismelf over these small things. The brunette didn't find him perfect though.

The angel community had many sections to it. His friends that were in the community all had different roles.

One was in charge of leading the separation section with all those confusing numbers and percentages.

One was in charge of angel counting. Also confusing with the number of angels they had after all.

One of them was in charge of healing capabilities, much like a doctor from the mortal realm.

One of them was in charge of the pureness of each and every single angel. From the whiteness of the wings to who to lock up and who to not.

One was a teacher. That's what humans called it after all. The angel was in charge of teaching the new angels what to do.

One of the them was in charge of soul collection. A essential part of the whole section.

Most of them had partners or sort called assistants to help them which the brunette found unfair since he had to do all the work by himself. The community just decided that he was capable of such difficult tasks.

The brunette's job was fun to hear but was much more complicated than it looked...

He was in charge of time stamps and reincarnation. 

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