Chapter 9

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He didn't know why but he had trusted his gut feeling of  saving himself when he saw the ginger. Dazai had no idea why a mere human could change his calculative mind and make him rely on his heart more than his brain. 

The brunette had always convinced hismelf that those who relied on their feelings more than logical thinking would fall first. He was obviously proved right when he heard the myth of the angel's highest rank had sacrificed his life for a human. His feelings came first and that lead to his downfall.

Dazai sighed when he saw Chuuya wearily walking back home. He had taken the short cut back home, going through a few shady looking alleys. The brunette had a sly smile on his face as he flew towards the ginger and in one swift action, he lifted the other up.

The ginger cursed as he glanced at the other.

"What the hell Dazai. What if someone sees us." 

The brunette shrugged, dropping the other on one of the roofs of an apartment building, "No one can see you if I'm touching you."

Chuuya scoffed as he dusted his pants off before looking the other up and down.

"Why are you here? If I find out one of our patients passed again. I'm coming for you." 

Dazai chuckled, "No one died today. I'm just here to get away from my tasks." 

"Go do your important tasks. Aren't angels supposed to do that?" 

The brunette's wings folded gently, "I'm lazy, that's all." 

"I can't believe you. How can angels be lazy?" 

"Angels are like humans. We have feelings too." 

The ginger scoffed and rolled his eyes, making his way to the door, wanting to leave and go back home.

Arms wrapped around his waist as the angel behind him whined, "Don't leave yet."

Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance, aren't angels supposed to be whatever Dazai is? The ginger attempted to pry the brunette's arms off him but failed when the brunette fluttered his wings, obscuring his vision as the ginger grumbled out a few curse words.

"Let go of me. I want to go home and sleep. Tomorrow's my day off." 

The brunette exclaimed, "You should spend it with me!" 

"Hell no. It's going to be me, myself and my bed." 

The angel sighed and shook his head in disappointment, "You can't be lazy Chuuya." 

The ginger, "You're one to say! Why do you keep on hanging around me anyways?" 

"Because you're the only human who can see me and I want an excuse to leave my job."  The brunette said, carefree as he saw the ginger sigh.

"Fine. Let go of me and I'll spend tomorrow with you." 

The brunette jumped up in triumph. "See you tomorrow!"  

The ginger waved the other off, hastily making his way down the stairs of the apartment building before realising this building was his apartment building and yelling in frustration.


"We're having problems. The new generation of the angel community are troublesome to deal with." 

"Don't start me with that. Especially that time and reincarnation one. He keep's on misleading us and collecting the souls before us!"

"It's either that or he's adjusting the time. We need to collect more souls by this week or our young ones are going to end up dead!"

"You're one to say when you're using up most of them. Why don't we make a plan on how to handle the angel community instead of ordering each other around." 

"We should wait for the lord's decision first. It'll be dangerous to make decisions without him." 

"Well, he's late so we should start making some decisions for him." 

"I would but I don't to end up getting burned." 

"Well, where is he the-" One was cut off as red flamed enveloped him, screams for help and cries were all in vain as he fell to the ground, skin turning black as the cries soon died down. A pile of ash was left. 

A black haired entered the room, kicking the pile of ash without any remorse, watching, amused as the black ash flew everywhere. He glanced at the rest who had their heads down, avoiding his cold, icy gaze, a total opposite of how hot his fire was.

He started, "Do not fluster. Angels aren't that hard to deal with. We just need to wait for the time and reincarnation angel to get distracted." 

"We have done everything but it doesn't seem that he's ever going to falter." One brave soul spoke up, shifting in his seat awkwardly as the black haired smiled, "We just need to get him kicked out of the angel community." 

"How? His comrades won't ever do that. They know he has been keeping us at bay. Only morons will kick him out." 

The black haired smiled, a sly smile showing none of his plans, "I want him tainted." 

The occupants of the room gasped and murmured among themselves. Only when the raven haired slammed his hand down onto the table did the murmurs cease almost immediately. Only when he leaned back to his seat did one spoke up.

"But the only way to taint an angel is..." 

He trailed off, everyone not wanting to finish the sentence. The raven haired smiled softly, "Blood doesn't differ in angels and demons. Mixing it won't be a problem." 

Sitting up straight as all straightened their postures, anxiously glancing at each other as the raven haired continued, "He will get kicked out of the angel community. I'm sure of it. We just have to wait..."

"How will you like to proceed, lord?" One said, the other nodding.

"Should we capture him?" One suggested before another continued, "We have the proper equipments after all..." 

"No...The right time will come when we take him. Remember angels own the sky but we own the underground. We're at a disadvantage. He could easily escape to the clouds." 

"We lure him down then?" 

"He's protected, knowing them, they'll sacrifice the other tainted angels." 

"They're angels. They won't do such a thing." One countered. 

"They're tainted, the angels have no use for them anymore. The most we'll get is another fully developed devil." 

"We'll just have to wait." There are many ways to go with this." The raven haired smirked, "Until then, we do nothing but distract him from his job." 

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