Chapter 20

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Chuuya has been thinking about it for a few hours, while waiting for the angel to return. At first he decided on just asking the brunette whatever popped up in his mind. However, on second thought, he quickly grabbed a long abandoned reflection book his old friend had given him, deciding on just writing down his thoughts so he wont forget.

He has been writing for a few hours now, awaiting the angel's return. He didn't feel impatient whatsoever, surprisingly. After saying his thoughts out loud, he felt lighter than before and was just patiently waiting for Dazai to appear in his room out of the blue and possibly tackle him into a hug. He would love that. Hugs from the angel was mesmerising, as if drawing him even more.

He still didn't know what they both were anymore. The status of their relationship was still unknown but he was thinking about that. It was impossible for a holy being such as the brunette hismelf to ever get into something with a mortal like Chuuya.

The brunette was just too distant for the ginger. Too far away for the ginger to grab. They were on two different levels, like a hourglass. They would never reach each other for however long the sand slowly seeps into the other end of the hourglass.

That....sounded depressing to Chuuya. He always had the mentality that nothing was impossible. That's just how he got through school and other complications in his life. He'll find a way to reach the brunette, to reach the other end of the hourglass but just not now. He had to find a way to get to the brunette's side.

The book in the ginger's hands dropped to the bed as Chuuya slumped into his bed, a sudden sleepiness overwhelmed him, he didn't want to write anymore, he didn't want to think anymore. He wanted to act upon his words. How? He had yet to find out.

As if on cue, golden glitter like particles made it's way down to the gingers bed as Chuuya smiled. The angel had came back. White obscured his vision as the ginger sighed at the sense of belonging that washed over him.

"What has Chuuya been doing when I was gone?" Dazai asked and the ginger was glad to hear the other's voice once again, it was rather refreshing.

"Nothing much, just waiting and thinking." The ginger replied as the brunette lied down beside him. 

Disappointing to Chuuya that the angel didn't tackled him into a hug. But that's okay, It'll happen one day. He glanced at the other, noticing the brunette's eyes, exhaustion evident in his eyes. The ginger blinked as he absentmindedly caressed the other's cheek in a comforting way. 

The angel blinked right back at him, "My cheek must be nice to feel." The brunette snorted as the ginger rolled his eyes, "Kind of."

The brunette asked then, "Did you find out what that temptation was?"

"No...But I have a few questions though. Just out of pure curiosity."

"Ask away."

"Is there a lot of angels in the sky?"

The brunette's eyes narrowed at the stupid question. Well, maybe it wasn't stupid since Chuuya wasn't an angel. He patiently answered, "Yeah..."

"Who makes all these angels. God?"

"Not sure. The first two were I think."

"Then how did the other angels come about."

Dazai stared in disbelief, "You're a nurse right?"

"Yeah why?"

"So you know how babies are made?"

"Yeah. What's that got to do with anything?"

The angel frowned at the other's obliviousness.

"You need me to explain to you word for word or something?"


Dazai stayed silent. He was contemplating on whether to make up something and prank the shit out of Chuuya but he decided against it. He might as well just explain to the ginger and embarrass the hell out of him.

"Two angels have something called sex Chuuya. Then boom, an angel is born."

The ginger stared at the brunette for so long in silence that the angel actually thought he broke the other.

" humans?" Chuuya finally spoke up.

"Yes Chuuya."

"I thought you can just magically continue your species..."

"What the fuck Chuuya." The brunette stated, smiling at the other inoncently.

"Angels can curse?" The ginger stared in awe.

Dazai was that close to slapping the other, "Yes Chuuya. We can curse, we can do whatever we want."

"Won't that like corrupt you?"

Finally getting a somewhat sensible question, the brunette sighed to hismelf, "Not really. Depending."

"So female angels get pregnant too?"

"Why are we back on the topic of how we make angels?"

"I'm just curious."

"Your curiosity scares me."

The ginger shrugged, "I wonder if there's any difference between angels and humans."

"Not really."

The ginger nudged the reflection book with his feet, grabbing it as he opened it up, the brunette staring, confused.

Chuuya skimmed through the words he had written in the book. He was in a zone when he wrote all this out. He had just let his hand freely write whatever it wants. He decided, since the angel was right beside him and he was in the right mind, he'll read through it and see what he could ask.

His eyes caught a glimpse of what the brunette was talking about earlier as he glanced a the small paragraph of cramped words. His handwriting wasn't the best after all.

"I wonder how it'll feel like to have ---"

The last few words were smudged with lots of black ink. The ginger frowned, looking at the side of his palm and saw the black ink smudged across his palm. He thought hard but it didn't take a genius to understand what he wrote, especially with how random memories he didn't remember flowed back into his mind.

He blushed slightly, the angel noticing and trying to take a peek of what was inside the book but Chuuya snatched it away and sighed to himself. 

"So that was what the temptation was about..."

The brunette raised a brow, "What is it then?"

"Fucking sex." 

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