Chapter 16

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Sorry for the late update. My exams are coming up but here is the chapter. Thank you all for patiently waiting. I also apologise for the short chapter, please look forward to the next chapter, which will hopefully be longer.


"What....what do you mean?"
The raven haired mumbled, wings tensed and unmoving.

The angel, gaze avoiding the other's as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was clenching his fists.

The raven haired, upon not hearing any response, approached the other angel, "What do you mean?"

"Everyone I checked into contact with will die if we don't pass then any souls. Please, I beg of you, give them the souls."

Ranpo frowned, hand reaching out to touch the other only for the angel to stumbled backwards.

"Please refrain from coming into contact with me. You can't die too."

The raven haired nodded as he pushed a few stands of hair off his face.

"Did he specify how many souls?"

The angel shook his head, "No. But I'm assuming at least 50. There were more than 5 at the table, along with he guards and mostly their newborns."

The raven haired sighed, "We can't give them that much."

Ranpo hummed as he glanced at the brunette who was always listening in behind him, his face had no reaction.

"Dazai, you think you can manage the time and let them steal a few souls, we just need to get back the ash."

"I wish it was as easy as you said. They might keep some of the ash."

Ranpo's eyes narrowed, "What should we do then?"

The brunette glanced at the angel gesturing for the other to leave. The said angel did so hastily rushing out of the room.

"I say we sacrifice them."

The raven haired gasped, thankfully it was only thw two of them in the room currently.

"We can't. We don't know how many angels came into contact with him. We might killing off half of the skies."

The brunette shrugged, "Would you rather that or we go down to he'll personally to deal with them?"

Ranpo shivered at the thought. He didn't know what the devils could do and he didn't want to find out.

"We could..."

"No, we're not getting more insignificant angels to go down there and negotiate. We both know the Lord down there doesn't sway easily."

"So logical..." the raven haired scoffed.

The brunette chcukled, "Like you aren't. Emotions get you no where. I rather sacrifice those angels than allow the devils community to grow. You know how much trouble they cause us."

"But we need to save even one life-"

"You can't expect an absolute number. It's not feasible."

The raven haired sighed before nodding, "Okay, I'll find a way to inform them."

"Give them a few days to prepare before we tell the devils the news."

Rampo agreed, sings finally stretching as he left the room with a sigh. It would be a pain to explain tot he angels what had happened.

The ginger yawned, glancing out of the office window. He was on a ten minute break after looking after yet snot her bratty and annoying VIP patient. Kouyou had even lamented to him about the patient's parents.

Chuuya squinted his eyes as if a flash of white will appear outside the window but nothing did appear. He couldn't help but miss the angel. He had to admit that the other's wings were comforting. He recalled secret,y brush his fingers through the other's signs when they slept side by side.

"Chuuya, your break will have to be cut short. One of the patient's blood pressure has dropped to the danger zone." 

The ginger cursed, dusting off his uniform as he rushed out of the office and into the silent hallways. 

Another long day of work awaits...

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