Chapter 31

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Fyodor glanced at the ginger before glancing at the red head at the back of the crowd. He hummed, "Seems like I've found who has been betraying me. Chuuya, why would you do that?"

The ginger shrugged, "I just don't like your way of thinking anymore. Have you heard the rumours of the throne?"

The raven haired, upon hearing what the other said, frowned, "What rumours?"

"The throne wasn't initially yours."

The raven haired devil bit his lip, "Why would there be such a rumour?"

"Because the throne isn't yours! You're a fake!" The crowd behind the ginger shouted, pointing accusing fingers at the raven haired.

"I am truly not the true heir of the throne. Yet I have still lead hell better than any leader could."

Everyone gasped when the raven haired admitted he had stolen the throne. Following a liar for a few years was a huge shock to them.

"What would you do to stop me?" The raven haired announced arrogantly, fire creeping up his arm before spreading throughout the room, cornering all the guests. Everyone avoided the flames, only Chuuya still standing in his initial spot, the flames not affecting him. At most merely heating up his body only.

Fyodor approached the other, "You know what I do to traitors right?"

The raven haired smiled menacingly, "I burn them alive."

The ginger's elbow jerked backwards, a punch swiftly approaching the other's face, flames enveloping the punch, adding to the pain if the punch had actually contacted the other's face. Unfortunately, the other dodged the punch, backing away.

Fyodor wasn't naïve, the ginger's flame was at his level or even hotter. He had to be careful.

Thankfully, he had a plan. Despite all the rumours and him admitting he had stolen the throne, his guards were still loyal to him. He gestured for them to enter the fight as the ginger glanced at the red head who quickly left the room, going to who knows where but Chuuya was confident that he was either helping everyone escape or getting help. He decided on the first one as he's quite sure no one in hell will volunteer to help.

The guards ran towards the ginger, flames not as strong at the ginger's yet powerful enough to hurt him as Chuuya dodged the attacks, observing his surroundings. He was the type of fighter who used every single object in the room to his advantage.

He smiled when he saw the huge number of curtains surrounding him. He quickly tore the curtains from the windows, letting the red light envelop the room. It was slightly blinding as Fyodor and his guards shunned away from the window. Chuuya took the chance, throwing the huge and heavy curtain over the three of them, trapping them underneath the dusty curtain.

The ginger hastily climbed his way up to the chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the heavy ornament creaking, threatening to fall to the ground. Soon after, the guards finally lifted the curtain off themselves and looked around, confused

Quietly, the ginger slowly melted the glass connecting the chandelier to the ceiling. Right on time, the guards walked forwards, right below the chandelier as the ginger used his insane strength, kicking the chandelier off it's place. It fell with a huge and loud crash, crushing the guards beneath it. 

Conveniently, the chandelier had quite a few hanging pieces which was sharp. It stabbed the guards, trapping them in place on the floor. The ginger sighed, slightly tired. His eyes widened when he didn't see the raven hair anywhere in the room. Before the ginger could react, he saw Fyodor rushing towards him with a small dagger. He didn't have time to react as he was still stuck in the middle of the chandelier.

He gasped when he was quickly lifted off the ground, being placed on the balcony, a level above the room he was initially in.

He turned his head to see familiar black wings. He was speechless.

 "D-Dazai, what are you doing here?"

The brunette ruffled his wings, explaining, "Your red head friend came to find me and told me you were in danger."

"This isn't a place for you to be, get out before you get hurt." The ginger glanced at the raven head who seemed to be observing them both.

"Well, look who saved you Chuuya." The brunette stated bluntly, rolling his eyes.

The brunette glanced at the red head behind the ginger as well, seemingly eyeing the other up and down in disgust. However, his eyes widened when Fyodor raised his arm, attempting to throw an attack at them.

Without thinking, the brunette's wings shot out to cover the ginger, acting as a shield as the flame hit his wings making him double over, wing rigid in place as he screamed in pain. His hands shakily reached to his wing, slightly burnt. Thankfully, the flame wasn't dangerous enough to blast a hole through his wings.

The ginger quickly hunched over, checking on the other's wing, comforting the brunette who was still gasping for air in pain. He held his wing in pain, his healing ability not kicking in due to the excruciating pain. It felt like he was being burnt from the inside out. Fyodor smirked, using the opportunity to make his way to the two of them.

He took his own sweet time, climbing up the stairs. He knew wounds inflicted by his flame couldn't be easily healed. True to his words, the ginger who had enabled his healing ability sighed at the slow speed the injury on the brunette's wing was healing. 

He hastily tore part of his sleeve from his clothing, wrapping the wound as he carried the angel, thinking of a way to escape. He quickly dodged another flame attack that came from the raven haired.

"Seems like you can't fight with your beloved angel in your hands Chuuya. Surrender now or never." 

The ginger bit his lip, jumping down as he caught a glimpse of the red head who was peeking his head out from behind the oak doors of the room where everyone had escaped out of already. The ginger hurridely passed the angel to Tachihara who looked concerned on the brunette's wing.

"Take him somewhere safe and hidden. Fyodor is most likely going to target him after me." 

The red head nodded, rushing out to find a hiding place as the ginger faced the raven haired who smiled at him, "You must like that angel a lot. That's the one I asked you to corrupt right?" 

Chuuya's eyes narrowed dangerously, as if daring the other to make the first move.

"Don't think of even laying a finger on him." 

"That's a bit selfish, don't you think? After all, I'm the one who introduced him to you right?"

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