Chapter 4

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The ginger's eyes widened when the brunette approached to the patient, carefully reaching his hand to the chest of the motionless body and ij one swift motion, he pulled out what Chuuya assumed was the soul.

It was murky white, with black ends as the brunette hummed as the soul formed into a crystal  ball, glitter like particles swirling around that Chuuya couldn't help but feel mesmerised.

Chuuya stared at the patient's 'soul' as he saw the brunette wave goodbye to him as his wings folded, covering him and with a gust of wind, he disappeared.

At that moment, Kouyou sighed, "We lost him."

The ginger stared blankly at the link haired who was quick to call the rest of the crew.

"Cover his body. Family came in to visit him."

The ginger's heart stung with slight guilt as he pulled the spare white cloth over the now corpse.

Screw that angel.

Does he know how much trouble it is explaining to the family members? Especially for the VIPs. Oh dear...a chair might be thrown at him again.

Chuuya sighed when he heard the commotion from outside as the pink haired entered the room again to fill up her clipboard. The ginger took that as a cue to go out and do the hellish part of his job when someone passed - Comfort the family members and tackle them away from the door.

It was protocol to not allow anyone to see the patient before the doctor allows. He hopes Kouyou will give a green light quickly because these family members were completely different from the frail and overall small patient. 

Were they all pro boxers or something. They were all big in size, muscles or fat, the ginger didn't know. Preventing them from entering might be impossible, especially when they're all trying to squeeze through at the same time.

The pink haired gasped when she saw the ginger get elbowed in the chin, falling to the ground and looking at her desperately for help. She hastily moved in, announcing, "Please understand that no one is allowed to enter the room. Please take or seat or security will be guiding you out of the hospital.

Upon hearing the doctor's words, they all sauntered to the seats outside the room as the ginger quickly slammed the door close, sliding down as he caught his breath.

Kouyou left the patient for now, still waiting for extra assistance to arrive as she went and checked on Chuuya's chin.

"Nothing serious. A bruise at most." She sighed as she helped the ginger up.

"Can we just kick them out of the hospital, maybe burn down their car along the way?"  The ginger joked, knowing fully well that both options were not allows nor illegal. 

The pink haired chuckled as she gave an encouraging pat on the ginger's shoulder, "Ignore them for now. Get ready when they're allowed permission to see the patient. It's hell outbreak." 

The ginger smiled slyly, "We can lock them in the room." 

Kouyou scoffed, "I wished but we have to stay by their sides until they want to leave or at least until the body can no longer be left there."

"Are all the patients ridiculously obnoxious or is it my luck?" The ginger sighed, taking a seat on the nearby seat, trying hard not to look at the motionless body.

"They think they have money so they can treat us like shit. But at the end, their money is coming into our salaries since the management board knows how they treat us. That's why you have been having a continuous pay rise since you started here. We're getting a bit understaffed after all."

The ginger raised a brow, "More nurses quit?" 

The pink haired nodded sadly, "More patients have been streaming in and the stress is getting bad. Many are quitting the VIP section due to the patients." 

Chuuya scoffed, "No wonder I feel more busy these days."

"Well good thing is, lesser workers, higher salary. You should join me for dinner this weekend."

"That's a plan. I'll text you a new lunch place." 

Kouyou smiled and nodded. However, before their conversation could go on, a knock on the door sounded as the ginger mustered all his strength and motivation to stand up and open the door for the doctors to enter. 

He grimaced when he saw the family members crowding around the door to sneak a peak but were quickly dispersed by security guards who got the call as Kouyou and the other three doctors pushed the bed out of the room.

Kouyou offered a small smile to the ginger as she hastily followed the rest of the doctors. The ginger was soon cornered by the family members, anxiously spitting their saliva at his face to ask the patient's condition.

He gestured fort he security guard who pushed them away forcefully, giving them a warning as the ginger thanked him and made his way out of the commotion. He could see the receptionist massaging her temples at the noise.

"I swear if I see that angel again. I'm slapping him." 

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