Chapter 27

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The brunette sighed as he pulled the blanket further up his body.  It was as if he was trying so hard to cover up his hideous looking wings.

The ginger had somehow forced (persuaded) the Angel to stay in his apartment for the time being and he was just lazing around,  not really finding any motivation to go out and fly anymore.

His wings had turned fully black now,  white no longer seen. He really looked like a devil now,  just with feathers and no horns.

Devil's wings , unlike angels,  develop as they grow,  they're not born with it. The brunette was given the 'luxury' of touching one of them when the ginger decided to snatch him off the streets that one time.

He was expecting a rough, leathery texture from the looks of it.  However,  he was surprised when it had a soft feel to his fingers, almost comforting.

He was quite sure though since only his fingers brushed against them for a mere second.

Dazai turned his body to face the door,  he would love to touch those wings again if he could. He'll never admit it though.

A knock on the door sent him standing up hasitly and grabbing the closest object he could get his hands on as a weapon. Which coveniently happened to be a pen, a fountain pen at that.

His shoulders laxed when he saw the familiar ginger,  fingers loosening on the fountain pen as he was about to question what the other was doing here.

He was however, interrupted when two figures engulfing him into a tight hug. He wasn't used to hugs since he never really experienced them.  The sudden hug caused him to stunble and fall back onto the bed and drop the pen.  It rolled under the bed,  the brunette took note.  That pen was a good weapon after all.

"Hey brats, get off him." Chuuya's voice snapped him back into reality as he then noticed it was his two lovely angels who tackled him onto the bed.

The ginger approached them with light steps as he didn't give much effort to pull the two angels suffocating 'his' Angel off. He instead lightly pulled on their clothing slightly and when they both didn't budge,  he just allowed them to continue hugging their beloved mentor.

"Atsushi,  Kyouka-chan... " Dazai murmuered as both of them in sync,  lifted their head to face their mentor who looked like he was in much pain.

They quickly got off of the brunette,  allowing those balck wings to fold and stretch. 

Atsushi found those wings rather majestic in his opinion.  Made the other more unique. But he knew better that his mentor thought otherwise.

"And? Why are you two here?" The brunette asked.

"Nakahara-san helped us find you.  We.... " the white haired heaitated as Kyouka glanced away from the brunette's gaze.

Atsushi continued, a bit softer,  "We kicked ourselves out of the Angel community to find you and-"

The younger was cut off,  "You quit? Then who's going to teach the angels?"

The ginger watched in amusement as the brunette seemingly lectured both of the younger angels. 

He had never seen the brunette so... strict...

"Well... The rest of the Angel community talked badly about you so we..."

The brunette sighed,  "You both need to go back. They need you."

"But we can't go back without you.  The angels... "

Raising a brow,  the brunette urged the other to go on,  "The angels are dying. They're getting attacked by devils and without you, we can't collect any souls. We need you but the community is just ignroing it. "

Kyouka nodded along as the brunette stayed silent.

Chuuya couldn't help but allow his eyes to widen.  No wonder Fyodor wanted to take the brunette down.  He was the main reason why none of them could get any souls.

Kyouka spoke up,  "Can't you come back?"

The brunette,  "Of course I want to but the Angel community won't ever take me back in."

Both younger angels seemed to droop in sadness as they glnaced at each other.

The white hair glanced at the ginger who seemed to have his attention only on the brunette,  as if observing his mentor's every move.

"Who is Nakahra-san to you anyway,  Dazai-san? " Atsushi was surprised to hear the question from Kyouka.  However,  he also looked over to the brunette who seemed to hesitate in his reply.

"He's just... He's helping me for now."

Chuuya seemed disappointed at the answer but didn't think much about it since he was the one who caused all of the angel's problems. He'll be the one who changes his status in Dazai's ranks. Soon. Very soon.

The white haired seemed to be suspicious of the answer given but decided on not thinking much about it.

"Well, we might need to roam around for now." Atsushi chuckled,  relieving the tension in the room.

The brunette's eyes softened,  as he turned his head to look over to Chuuya who seemed surprised at the attention directed to him.

"Can they stay with me?"

The ginger frowned but upon seeing the brunette request of something along with the other two angels giving him puppy eyes,  he scoffed,  "Do whatever you want."

Dazai seemed to rejoice with Atsushi and Kyouka as all three angels continued their lively chatter.

The ginger sighed, turning to leave the angels to chat about whatever angels talk about as he left, he still had some things to take care off.

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