Chapter 7

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The brunette hummed as he strolled through the endless cloud like floors, glancing around, observing the rest of the angel's doing their specified tasks. He liked making a big entrance so he slammed open the doors, making himself known to the occupants inside.

"Dazai, where have you been?" The said angel turned to see one of his friends as he smiled mischievously, "Earth..."

The blonde sighed, "I thought I told you no more going down." 

The brunette stuck his tongue out playfully, dodging a stack of flying papers.

Doppo Kunikida, the angel in charge of leading the separation section. Like I said, confusing numbers and percentages was his literal hobby.

"Don't go throwing those files around!" A raven haired exclaimed, snatching the papers that the blonde had picked up.

Edogawa Ranpo, the angel in charge of angel counting. He mainly had to know the number of angels and controls the jobs allocated to them.

"You missed a few." A purple haired angel picked up the few stray papers and passed it to Ranpo as she sighed.

Yasano Akiko, the doctor of the angel world. Her healing capabilities were above all the rest.

"Is it me or are your wings getting grey?" A orange haired angel joked as Yasano rolled her eyes

Junichiro Tanazaki, said to be the purest angel and was in charge of all the angel's wings and their pureness level.

"The new angels are adorable." A white haired angel commented, catching a glimpse of the papers Ranpo was holding, eyes glistening as he couldn't help but continue staring at the paper.

Nakajima Atsushi, the teacher who taught and cared for the new angels. The younger ones adored him.

"Today's a good day..." A yellow haired murmured to hismelf, totally oblivious to the ongoing conversation around him.

Miyazawa Kenji, the angel in charge of soul collection. It was just his daily job to smile and take care of souls already collected or collect souls himself.

"Dazai-san, why have you been visiting the mortal world so much?" The brunette hummed as he smiled at the young angel that recently became Atsushi's assistant.

"I like the mortal world Kyouka-chan."

The raven haired seemed to think about it before nodding.

"I would like to go one day."

"You can join Kenji when he's off collecting souls." Dazai suggested as he chuckled when he saw the angel rush to the Kenji's table. Most likely trying to convince the other to bring her along on his next trip.

The brunette smiled. Perfect timing...

"Kenji, go and collect Mizu Hori's soul. 4 more minutes."

The yellow haired seemed to snap out of his train of thoughts, nodding enthusiastically as he finally registered what Kyouka was begging him for as he glanced over to Atsushi for permission. The white haired seemed to hesitate but upon noticing the doe eyes on the raven haired, he reluctantly nodded.

"Please take care of her Kenji-san. Also, don't wander off and stay by his sid-" 

Dazai cut him off, "Don't worry Atsushi-kun, everything will be fine. Kenji, 3 minutes left."

Atsushi nodded as he sighed. Kenji took Kyouka by the hand as they happily left, Kunikida watching them before resuming his own work. Ranpo seem to be pouting as the brunette made his way to his own seat.

"How's the teaching, Atsushi-kun?"

The white haired seem to cheer up at that as he started blabbering about the younger angels, calling them cute and innocent.

Ranpo interrupted him, "They need to be innocent Atsushi. If they're not, we can always  recreat-"

He was stopped thankfully by Kenji and Kyouka who skipped their way back in. Dazai glanced at them, "Right on time. Good job you two." 

The blonde seemed to be amazed, like he always was.

"How do you do that, honestly."

The brunette snickered, "It's all in my head."

Tanizaki nodded, "It's his job to take charge of the time stamps, Kunikida-kun."

The brunette smirked proudly at the blonde who scoffed, faking his unimpressed expression.

Dazai chuckled as he spoke up again, "Sorry Kenji, another one. 2 minutes left."

The yellow haired didn't seem upset about it thought. He only nodded as he left with a skip in his step. The brunette watched. He wished he had that kind of energy sometimes.

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