Chapter 18

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"You know? What are we?" The ginger leaned his head against the wall. He was currently on his bed, he had given up scrolling through his phone. The angel was curled up beside him, supposingly the ginger's warmth was unique or something.

The brunette hummed, his wings flexing as he sighed in content, mostly due to the comfortable mattress he was on, along with the ginger's warmth that was surprisingly comforting.

"Friends?" The brunette said, the word felt weird on his tongue, he called his comrades in the angel community 'colleagues' or just...'comrades'. He never really said the word 'friends' a lot. He just felt Chuuya was special, something special that made them more than just 'an angel and human who knows each other'.

Chuuya seemed to have thought about it seriously before replying, "Just friends?"

The brunette raised a brow. "What are you implying?"

"Well...You literally squeezing your body beside me. You saved me many times. You said you love me a lot."

The brunette's cheeks flushed a tint red as he buried his head into the pillow.

"You remember that?"

"You bet." The ginger chuckled, wrapping a arm around the other's waist to tease the other. Like expected, the brunette flinched before trying to pry Chuuya's hands off his waist but to no avail.

A burning temptation grew in Chuuya's gut as the ginger tightened his grip. 

Dazai seem to notice and glanced at the ginger who merely smiled at him, letting go of the other. He once again suppressed that unknown temptation. He didn't know what it was but he knew if he let it loose, it'll turn bad real quick.

The brunette asked, "Something wrong?"

"The ginger shook his head, turning to face his back to the other.

Dazai persevered, ""What's wrong? Are you upset that I said we're only friends."

"What? No...It's nothing, just tired."

The brunette scoffed, forcefully turning the other to face him as Chuuya sighed at the other's stubbornness.

"Mortals are so confusing sometimes." The angel commented.

"You're just clueless." The ginger retorted.

The brunette nuzzled his cheek against the other's cheek, the ginger assumed it was a sign of affection.

"Aren't you touchy?"

The brunette hummed, "I see some of the angels doing this to their significant other."

"That's nice..." The ginger bluntly said, not finding it in himself to speak intelligently like he usually does.

The brunette ceased his affectionate action, seemingly finding no reaction from the other.

"Is it bad?" The brunette asked, slumping against the other as the ginger chuckled, "It's not, its quite comforting."

Dazai seemed to be processing what the other meant before continuing to rub his cheek against the other's.

Finally, Chuuya tuned to face the other. The angel smiled at that.

"Chuuya's face looks funny."

The ginger scoffed, "Yours too you idiot!"

The brunette hummed, "I like Chuuya's face."

The ginger shivered at that sentence, "Why do you have to phrase it like that? It's creepy."

"Rest assured Chuuya, I'm not going to peel off you face and paste it on my wall."

Chuuya felt the brunette's strangely cold hand caress his face, wings ruffling before folding elegantly behind him.

"Might not..." the bruentte joked as Chuuya exclaimed, "Nevermind, I'm not facing you while I sleep."

The ginger attempted to twist his body to turn away once again but Dazai whined, "I'm joking!"

The ginger sighed, he wasn't particularly tired, his eyes were just dry from scrolling through his phone.

The brunette nudged the ptherz sensing the other drifting away.

"Give me a kiss."

The brunette raised a brow, "What?"

"A kiss, you know what it is right?"

The brunette went silent before leaning over, hesitantly giving a peck to the other's lips.

The ginger stared with wide eyes.

" actually did it."

The brunette laughed, wings expanding to wrap around both of them, providing a shade from the sunlight seeping in through the window.

"I did, didn't I?"

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