Chapter 17

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The brunette watched from above, the familiar tiny dots on the streets as his brown orbs moved to glance at the ginger making his way into the hospital.

Dazai's eyes narrowed. He had taken multiple souls from that specific hospital. It's a devil's hotspot.

Humming as he thought about his actions carefully, he flew down, entering then ospital through the unlocked door on the roof.

Wings folding inwards as he hid them carefully, he made his way through the faceless people he didn't recognise. None could see him anyways.

Eyeing a specific room, he slipped in when one of the nurses entered. This time, a frail old man. His time was soon up.

Qaving his hand through the air, time stopped. A bird who happened to fly last their window was motionless into he sky.

"We both want his soul but let's talk first."

The nurse turned slowly, backing away slightly as the uniform she was wearing disappeared.

A menacing smile replaced the kind smile she initially had. Horns peeped out from the black hair, as black as death itself.

"I'm honoured to be able to see the angel of time himself."

The brunette smiled innocently, "Not as honoured to be in your presence...Lord of the devils, heard a lot about you."

The raven haired smiled approaching the other but Dazai knew better as be quickly stepped back, avoiding any contact with the other.

The raven haired sighed, "You're too cautious."

"I never knew...."

"Well, I assume that pitiful angel has told you what happened."

The brunette nodded, unfazed as his smile faded, "You may do as you please, we aren't giving you the souls."

The raven's eyes widened, "You rather sacrifice you own family? Aren't you cruel for an angel."

"I'll like to clarify that I am not even blood related to that angel. Sacrifice for the better good they say."

The other nodded, retreating as he replied, "Very well."

However, the brunette watched in surprise as the devil threw ashes at him.

Dazai coughed as he glared at the other, quickly dusting the ash off his clothes and wings.

"I don't need it anymore."

Before the brunette could ask, the devil disappeared, leaving black soot behind.

The brunette scoffed, as he allowed them to continue, quickly retracting the man's soul before leaving in a haste.

Ranpo will be happy to know the news.


The ginger walked through the hallways but upon hearing the daunting beeping sound from one of the rooms, he cursed as he rushed into the room. It was like a monotonous routine, running here and there. He should've signed up to be an athlete instead. 

He groaned in annoyance when he saw the patient's vitals. It was a dead line. He immediately gave the patient CPR. Only when he saw a white feather at the corner of the night stand did he stop. He sighed as he pressed the emergency call button, picking up the feather and hasitly stuffing it into his coat.

He positioned hismelf to make it look like he had continued doing first aid, only when a doctor rushed in did he push away, saying, "Patient has flat lined for 15 minutes. CPR had been futile."

The ginger made his way out of the room. Another dead body. He made his way through the hallways, keeping his eyes out to any other problems. He noticed one of the doors ajar as he took a quick look. Seeing the patient silently sleeping on the bed, the ginger was about to close the door. 

However, his eyes widened when he saw black nails claw at the mattress. He slammed the door open, gasping when he saw a flash of red rush past him. 

"What the hell-" 

"Be careful. Devils a roaming around more often now."

"A devil?" The ginger muttered as he rushed in. It'll be suspicious if every room he enters has a dead body remaining. 

Noticing the rising of the patient's chest, the ginger sighed in relief, doing a double check on all of the vital signs, blood pressure. Thankfully, everything was alright.

He muttered a few words to hismelf as he closed the door quietly.


The ginger jerked but regained his composure when he saw the brunette looking at him.

"You idiot angel. Did you take another soul from another of my patients?"

The angel hummed, "Definitely. Di you see anything?"

Chuuya hummed, contemplating on whether to mention what he assumed was a devil to the brunette.

"Nothing much. Why?"

The brunette shrugged, "This hospital is a devil hot spot. Been seeing a lot of them. I might as well camp here."

"Yeah, you should." The ginger rolled his eyes.

"I like Chuuya's bed more."

The ginger scoffed, walking away. However, he slipped in a, "See you tonight."

The angel seemed to understand the hint as Dazai laughed before flying away in the other direction.

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