Chapter 32

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Fyodor stared at the ginger blankly before throwing yet another flame attack at the ginger who easily dodged the attack. However, Chuuya knew damn well the raven haired had another plan. He was proven right when the other used the attack as a distraction and ran towards the door, out of the room.

"Fuck!" The ginger screamed, chasing after, he knew the other was targeting Tachihara and Dazai. He would never forgive himself if both of them got hurt.

Meanwhile, Fyodor had a fool proof plan on how to defeat the ginger once and for all. Killing him physically would be hard but he could do it mentally. He just had to catch up to that red head that caused him all those problems before.

He smiled when he caught a glimpse or red whisk past his vision, he immediately followed, not bothering to check the ginger obviously following him. He wasn't really athletic but he knew he had quite a good head start, it'll take some time even for Chuuya to catch up to him.

Accumulating his flame at the tip of his fingertip, he felt heat spread throughout his body as he released the flame, it was released from his finger tip so fast that the red head barely dodged it. Tachihara cursed, grip tightening on the brunette who was still wincing in pain from his still injured wing. His healing power had finally kicked in after a minute when he withstood the pain but it was to not avail. Every time his healing power surrounded the wound, it was strangely pushed back by the radiating heat.

Dazai knew he had to quickly get healed by non other than Chuuya and it's spectacular healing powers when he saw black wings dropping to the ground along with the spreading pain. He might actually lose his wing if this continued. 

He glanced at the raven haired who was quickly closing in on them both, the red head had stopped in place due to the fear of getting attacked again if he continued running. 

The brunette thought quickly, he could use his actual powers but with the pain he was in, it might only last a few seconds. He might also get repercussions for still using his powers even after getting kicked out of the angel community. Unless killed, he still had the powers of any in the angel community.

He let out a shallow breath as the red head inched backwards slowly while carrying him. He eyed Chuuya still a few meters behind and he wouldn't make it unless Tachihara does something which Dazai doubted he will ever do. He knew the red head was just as normal as any other devil in hell. If he concentrated enough, he could control the radius of his power and pick who doesn't get affected.

He hesitated due to the extreme pain radiating throughout his body but he pushed through, managing to accumulate a mere three second gap for Chuuya to catch up and do whatever he needed to do. He saw the ginger pulling out a dagger as he neared the raven haired who was just a two meters away from them.

He quickly unleased the accumulated strength as everything around them stopped, a light shade of blue illuminating the surrounding area. 

Time stopped for a mere 3 seconds.

"Holy-" The red head gasped as he quickly caught up, using the short amount of time to quickly lengthen the distance between them and Fyodor who's eyes were wide as if he knew what would've happened. 

The ginger took the opportunity, he didn't spare a second to act shock or surprised as he readied his dagger in his hand, running towards the raven haired as time resumed, allowing the raven haired who was initially rooted to the ground to barely turn his head as the ginger swung the dagger to the other's head, catching the other off guard as the dagger buried itself into the other's skull due to the intense power the ginger held it with.

Blood splattered and it was over. It was finally over.

Fyodor wavered before collapsing to the ground on his side , a pool of blood quickly spreading. The ginger didn't wait to see the other bleed out as he hastily approached the duo as the red head lowered the brunette down to the ground, the ginger quickly ripping off the cloth on the other's wings, enabling his healing ability, sighing in relief as the wound slowly closed up. The few missing wings were even restored. 

That was just how amazing Chuuya's healing ability was. The ginger, upon healing the angel's wings finished, glanced at the red head who looked concerned for the angel as he finally spoke, "You hurt?"

The red head shook his head, chuckling to lighten the tense atmosphere, "Just tired."

The ginger nodded, giving the other a hug, feeling the other shivering slightly at the initial fear.

He only saw he other's eyes widened as he mumbled some rather devastating news, "He's still standing."

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