Chapter 8

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Dazai glanced down at the dot like people from the tall skyscraper he was on. He hummed before sighing to himself, looking up at the grey clouds, slowly but surely making their way through the initially blue sky, as if it was tainting the sky. 

The brunette's eyes glanced back down, as he carefully observed all the humans making their way to work, on a stroll to the park or those couples walking, hand in hand. He found mortal relationships intriguing at the most. 

How they communicated, expressed their feelings or even how they act with different people. It was funny how much human's feelings can change so vastly, from happy to sad, trusting to betrayal, honest to manipulative. Was it just normal for their thoughts to vary and be unique. 

Well, he wasn't human, so he would never understand what humans felt. He found angels very similar to humans though. From how their personalities and appearances were all different. Maybe angels were the one who copied humans but instead of just being completely the same, they pasted wings onto their backs, thinking that being able to fly will make them different and more superior.

Angels feel sinful feelings too sometimes. Such as jealousy, anger and having intrusive thoughts. These feeling and thoughts were harmless as long as they never acted on it. It really depended on one's mental and how they're influenced or manipulated. 

Fortunately, most could contain these thoughts, not showing them but Dazai knew. He always knew. From their eyes, small actions and even the way they speak, he could always pull something out from them.

Staring them down to the ground wasn't the best idea but it worked the most effectively. How they will scramble away, taking off hastily, wings fluttering anxiously as they flew away wobbly. It always amuses Dazai how angels acted so much lie childish humans, cowering when face with their own thoughts and wrong doings.

The brunette heaved himself up to stand at the ledge of the sky scraper, still overlooking the scene below him. He feared nothing, none could see, talk or hear him. Dazai inched towards the edge of the building even more. Don't mistaken it as hesitance, it's not. He just loved to anticipate other's thoughts and reactions. 

He dropped.

The brunette didn't allow his wings to even twitch a mere centimeter. He was too used to this exhilarating feeling that he had no flinches or reaction to it. How his heart seemingly lifted before falling back down, ribs contracting at the sudden speed as his wings fluttered against the wind, as if about to get ripped out. 

Outstretching his arms as he smiled to himself. He always thought on how it'll feel if he would  to come into contact with the concrete floor humans made. HIs bones crushing and wings stained red with his blood. 

He never did let himself touch the ground, always saving himself before that ever happened. It was like a challenge, to get even closer and closer to the ground each time, closing the distance between himself and the ground every time he dropped. 

The brunette contemplated on when to save himself, to let his wings do the work, he had calculated the previous time he had dropped from the skyscraper. He had a sudden urge to leave it to gut feeling. Was that truly possible though.

He dropped and dropped... The brunette's eyes widened as he immediately swooped into the sky, wings quickly expanding as a few feather swayed to the ground as Dazai glanced at the other who was walking down the road, standing on the same ground he wished he could touch when he dropped from the sky scraper.


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