Chapter 14

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The ginger hummed, deciding on leaving that certain searched question stay in his search history. He didn't have the heart to delete it.

"Angel? Oh...right...angel. I like you..."

The ginger raised a brow.

"I like you too Chuuya." 

The ginger mumbled to hismelf, "Like?" 

Chuuya tried his best to recall last night's occurrences but to no avail. It seemed those two sentences were the only thing he remembered.

How inconvenient. It didn't take a genius to put the dots together and understand what he had embarrassingly said to the angel but he would've have really liked to understand the whole story of what actually happened. Before and after is what was important. However, judging the brunette's reaction, it didn't seemed bad or awkward. They did wake up in the same bed after all.

A sigh before the ginger gave up on trying to recall or trying to delete the ridiculous amount of weird questions the angel had typed into his phone.

If the police did ever ask, he'll just say he was an aspiring author. It always worked...

Chuuya peeked out of his room to catch a glimpse of Dazai just lazing on his couch and watching 'human' movies.

The ginger scoffed. Did the brunette really have no 'angel' jobs or duties to do? Must be nice to be an angel. No hard work and he didn't even have to worry about the blood, sweat and tears humans had to go through to even survive. Well, maybe he couldn't say that since the brunette was actually 'alive'.

The brunette seemed to have notice the ginger's staring as he turned his head before humming, as if asking the ginger what was the matter.

"Nothing..." The ginger hastily replied, going back to his bed, deciding on relaxing for the rest of his weekend. He had no plans with anyone nor did he want to go out. Maybe the angel's company wasn't that bad...

Speak of the devil when the brunette entered his room, supposing turning of the television before lying beside him on the bed.

The ginger raised a brow, "What are you doing?" The ginger wasn't referring to why the brunette was lying beside him but was referring to how the brunette was clinging to his side, wings sprawled out, some feathers about to make the ginger sneeze.

The brunette seemed comfortable however, unlike the ginger.

"I'm keeping warm. Angel's wings get cold easily you know..." 

The ginger chuckled, finding the excuse funny. 

He decided that now was the best time to test what actually had happened as Chuuya's arms interlocked with the brunette's own arm, in an attempt to lock the angel in place.

"I like you a lot." The ginger bluntly said, watching as crimson creeped up to the brunette's cheeks. The angel tried prying his arm out of the other's grasp but to no avail.

The ginger smirked at the other's reaction as he asked back, "Do you?" Dazai hesitated before nodding, saying the same answer the ginger remembered.

"I like you too Chuuya. I thought I said this already." 

The ginger hummed, who knew his feelings were not rejected and instead accepted that easily. The main question was: did he actually like the brunette. Well, not like but love. Did he? He had just unconsciously said that after meeting the angel a few months ago.

"I like it when you say that. Say it again." 

The ginger asked, flipping over to trap the brunette under him. 

"I'm not saying again." 

"Why not?"

"I...I just don't want to." 

The ginger hummed, body itching to act upon his temptation but he restrained against it.

"Aren't you shy?" 

"I'm not!" The brunette was quick to refute.

The ginger smiled before laying beside the brunette once again, feeling wings shift beside him before the brunette clung to him again.

He did love the angel.


Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update once again. I most probably won't be updating the book over the weekends. I'm busy backing up my stories. I'm so happy that I got 10+ new followers this week. For the new followers, please do follow my back up account: Lisa_bsdsoukoku

It's a back up account for other books and my past books that were either deleted or forgotten.

Thank you for your endless support.

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