Chapter 33

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The ginger swiftly turned his head, eyes widening when he saw the raven haired he had stabbed literal dagger into his head, standing and looking smugly at them.

"Thank even the skies that I enabled a healing shield before time was stopped." He smiled dangerously as the ginger stared, speechless as the other continued, pointing at the ginger as he said, "Though, even you broke that shield. Your dagger broke my skull but didn't touch my brain. I'll just heal, easy as that. I doubt that angel of yours can stop time again, can he?"

The ginger gripped the dagger on the floor, readying hismelf for another full out fight as he eyed the open wound on the Fyodor's side of the head which he stabbed with the dagger. It was slowly healing though. He wouldn't be able to attack the other that easily again. 

Chuuya glanced over at the angel who had fell unconscious from the pain and overusing his powers. However, before the ginger could think of yet another plan to defeat the other, he only saw splash of water that directly hit the raven haired who stopped in his tracks.

The ginger glanced up to see two familiar looking angels flying right above, his lips curved upwards slightly.

The white haired landed on the nearest roof, a bucket in hand as a black haired landed beside him, holding a similar looking bucket as well. Both looking rather serious in Chuuya's opinion.

The raven haired was stunned nonetheless, as his eyes widened when felt the stinging sensation radiating throughout his body as he looked as his own arms, the skin turning black fast. He cursed, trying to get rid of the water sticking to his skin. Holy water to be specific.

Both angels high fived each other, dropping the buckets as they approached Chuuya. They seemed worried when they saw their mentor unconscious.

"Is Dazai-san okay? We borrowed a few buckets from the apartment and filled it with holy water."

The ginger nodded, "Well done bats."

The red head looked, confused at the sight of the two new angels. Upon noticing the other's confusion, the white haired chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "We might've eavesdropped when you were talking to Dazai-san and may have followed the both of you here."

Kyouka, who was standing beside Atsushi winced slightly as she folded her wings hastily. The ginger sighed, "I think you both should leave hell as soon as possible. The atmosphere here isn't good for your wings. Dazai can handle it because he's already corrupted." 

The young angels nodded, hurriedly flying away. Chuuya and Tachihara moved their gaze to the raven haired who was suffering in pain. The holy water seeped in through the still open wound on his head, entering his body. 

It was only a matter of seconds before screams of pain were heard. With a final last glare at them, the raven haired wavered once again before falling to the ground, skin melting to the ground as the ginger refrained from looking any further.

"It's finally over..." The ginger muttered, muscles aching as he proceeded to hook his arms underneath the brunette's shoulders and knees, successfully carrying the other while walking away from the gruesome scene with Tachihara following behind.


The red head sighed as he gave a encouraging pat on the ginger's shoulder,  muttering,  "Stop being so tense. You have to look menacing."

Chuuya rolled his eyes,  "I'm not taking any advice from you. I'm going to look however I want to look."

Everyone in hell knew the news of Fyodor being the fake Lord for almost a decade.  It was a matter of time before the executives of the previous lord to find out who the real heir was.

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