Chapter 10

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The brunette's eyes narrowed when he caught a glimpse or red. He took to the sky, finding safety at the roof of Chuuya's apartment building. He smirked when he saw the glimpse of red dissolve into the ground.

"Devils..."  Dazai muttered, wings stretching outwards as he darted into the sky, clouds enveloping his vision before he comes into the familiar pair of oak doors.

He hurries inside, the angels inside sensing the urgency, raise their brows.

"Devils spotted entering the mortal realm." The brunette claimed, making all in the room gasp in surprise and shock.

"Are they trying to steal souls?"  Atsushi asked, Kyouka beside him with narrowed eyes.

"It can't be...I made sure everything was in place."  The brunette muttered, taking his seat down at the big table used by all.

Ranpo hummed, "I think they have another alternate plan. They know Dazai's keeping them away from the souls after all." 

"Don't tell me they're attacking the mortals."  The blonde suggested, papers abandoned on the table as he joined in on the meeting.

"They can't. Attacking humans are too risky. They're aiming for something else."  Ranpo shook his head, leaning into his chair.

"For the meantime, we will observe their actions. All of us stay in the sky. Especially you Dazai..."

Yasano said as she looked worriedly at the  brunette who grumbled but reluctantly nodded.

The angels all agreed at the final decision as they resumed their work. Dazai glanced at everyone in the room before leaving. They're not taking this seriously. Devils had wings too. They could fly, they just can't enter the skies like angels can.

The brunette contemplated on ditching his plan on scaring Chuuya awake but at the end, he shrugged as he jumped back down, wings fluttering against the wind as he appeared back on the roof of the ginger's apartment.

He laughed, amused when he saw the said ginger getting a shock of his life and falling with a thud when the angel suddenly appeared in front of him.

"That's too bad, I couldn't wake Chuuya up..."  The brunette pouted.

"That's right! I woke up early for that." 

The brunette scoffed, he should have just ignored that devil. Speaking about that...

"Hey, Chuuya. Saw anything weird this week?" 

The ginger raised a brow before shaking his head hesitantly. "No? Why?" 

"Devils are roaming around. Be careful." 

Chuuya did not have the reaction the brunette was expecting. Instead, the ginger chuckled, "I thought angels couldn't touch humans." 

The brunette rolled his eyes, "I'm just warning you. Just pretend you don't see them." 

"Whatever. I probably won't come across any."

Dazai sighed. Why did he even bother showing concern to the other. The ginger was too naive for his own good. He shrugged it off.

"Anyway, where do you want to go today?" 

Chuuya hummed, thinking about it, "I have to meet up with a friend. Want to come along?" 

The brunette's eyes narrowed. He didn't like how the ginger said that. "Sure. Let's go!"

With that said, both headed to meet Chuuya's friend. The brunette flying instead of walking, with the ginger eyeing him occasionally awkwardly as if scared anyone would see him.


"I don't like him..." The brunette muttered as the ginger gasped, offended. He didn't really like the angel judging his ever so small friend circle already.

"Why? He's a nice guy." 

Speak of the devil, the red head appeared in front of the ginger again. 

"Long time no see, Tachihara. How's your job going?" The ginger greeted, raising a brow when the red head glanced away for a second before chuckling, "My new engineering job is tiring. How about you?" 

The brunette's eyes narrowed, wings stretching outwards as the ginger's eyes widened but he kept his composure.

Tachihara seemingly raised a brow at the sudden draft of wind as Chuuya continued the conversation, hand nudging the brunette's arm to tell him to stop.

"You can see me, can't you?"  

Chuuya stopped as he glanced at the red head who had no expression. He then tilted his head a little to see the brunette raising a brow too before shrugging. However, he was cautious. He was hardly wrong. Maybe the other really couldn't see him.

"Uh...Chuuya, is something wrong?"  The red head spoke up, looking worriedly at the other.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just saw something." 

Tachihara nodded understandingly before explaining his job like he was initially doing.

The angel's wings folded back again, the brunette pushing himself into the seat he was sharing with the ginger as he comfortably leaned backwards. He watched the red head who payed no mind to him, animatedly chatting with the ginger without making any eye contact with him. The other really couldn't see him... He thought he could. Well, maybe he can be wrong too.

The brunette soon got bored of the conversation, standing up abruptly, the ginger eyed the other who gave him a gesture to continue his chatting as the brunette made his way out of the café they were in.

He stretched his wings, they were awfully sore and sensitive. Leaning on them may not be the best idea.

He felt a shiver up his spine as he looked back, eyes widening when Tachihara was looking right at him from inside. The ginger was no where to be seen. The brunette immediately took to the sky. He was right after all. That red head was a devil.

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